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  1. J


    Sarasra Kabchi from Sattyuga appeared as Karna in Dwaparyuga. Sarasra Kabchi performed tapasya, pleased Surya narayan bhagwan & asked for a boon of Immortality. Surya narayan had no such powers to give him such a boon so he denied, Demon Sarasra Kabchi asked for an alternative. He said give me...
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    Desire is like a flame in which greed works as a fuel.

    Falling from a Stage is not painful. Falling from a building can kill you. More the desires, more the problems, it is like falling from a building. Less desires, lesser problems & from such level if someone falls he can regain his losses easily. No desires, No problems. Moving higher in life...
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    Happy Janmastmi

    According to Astrologers Sri Krishna appeared in the womb of Mata Devki & Mata Yashoda at the same moment, so there were two Krishnas who took birth in one day, one took birth inside Kamsa jail at Mathura & other Krishna took birth at Gokuldham, same tithi but little change in timings. Sri...
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    Story Related to Raksha Bandhan

    At the time of Devasur Sangram (war between Devtas & Asuras) when Devtas with their King Indradev were losing the battle, Mata Sachi asked the guru of devtas named Brihaspati to perform a Yagya. After the yagya was completed, Yagya Narayan bhagwan appeared & boned a Raksha Sutra to mata Sachi...
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    Guru is required for spritual upliftment.

    In the Beginning of Shrimad Bhagwad Gita Arjuna was talking to Sri Krishna like a friend & Krishna was questioning how he, as a military man, could give up fighting? But when Arjuna saw that friendly talks would not make a solution to his problems, he surrendered to Sri krishna saying, "sisyast...
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    Why Vedic Text talks about Meat eating?

    Many people quote text from the scriptures saying even Veds, Manusmriti Promotes Non-vegetarianism. They even quote verses on meat & beef eating. Ans. YES! YES! YES! Vedas does promote non-vegetarianism but we should understand why does Vedas says so? Please read the post carefully, later...
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    5 important PRINCIPLES of Sanatan Dharma

    1. God Exists: One Absolute OM. One Trinity: Brahma, Vishnu, Maheshwara (Shiva) Several divine forms 2. All human beings are divine 3. Unity of existence through love 4. Religious harmony 5. Knowledge of 5 G's: Ganga (sacred river), Gita (sacred script), Gayatri (sacred mantra), Gow (sacred...
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    We shouldn't harm any innocent living creatures for what ever reason (humans exceptional) Once a saint with his disciple bathing in a river, there comes a scorpion who was drowning, Saint saves him but the scorpion bites the saint, scorpion falls in the water& drowns, once again the saint trys...
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    10 DISCIPLINES In Sanatan Dharma/Hinduism

    10 DISCIPLINES 1. Satya (Truth) 2. Ahimsa (Non-violence) 3. Brahmacharya (Celibacy, non-adultery) 4. Asteya (No desire to possess or steal) 5. Aparighara (Non-corrupt) 6. Shaucha (Cleanliness) 7. Santosh (Contentment) 8. Swadhyaya (Reading of scriptures) 9. Tapas (Austerity, perseverance...
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    Why do Devotees Suffer?

    Most of the time a pure devotee would always be in more pain, why? Health related issues, financially, relationship problems, etc. All such problem would come at once in their life, the closer the person goes to Sri Ram/Krishna/Narayan/Vishnu/Hari, the faster & more the problems a pure devotee...
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    In Dwaparyuga After Bhagwan Sri Krishna returned to his spiritual Planet Goloka, Kaliyuga entered our Prithviloka/Planet Earth. King Parikshit, The son of Abhimanyu & Mata Uttra had such a great command in his ruling that he never allowed Kaliyuga enter his Kingdom. Kaliyuga resides in 4...
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    We got Cannine teeths as God's gift to eat flesh so why cant we

    Yes - Gita says "Jivo Jivasays Jivanam", Translation - "One living entity is food for another in the struggle for existence", even plants are considered with a life/soul & so we did proved in our earlier post about how plants/crops are made for us to survie. Padma Puran states - There are...
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    Moral Story on Anger

    A boy very aggressive comes next to his father complaining about how to control anger? Father- Son here is the box full of nails which you need to hammer it on this wall whenever you feel angry on some one. The son, whenever felt aggressive punched the nail inside the wall, one day he felt...
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    KAmikA EkAdasii

    Chitragupta, YamarAja’s secretary, cannot calculate the merit obtained by one who offers Shrimati Tulasi-devi a perpetually burning ghee lamp. So dear is this sacred EkAdasii to the Supreme Personality of Godhead that all the forefathers of one who offers a bright ghee lamp to Lord Shri Krishna...
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    Paap And Apradh

    Paap & Apradh are 2 different ways of committing sins. Paap - Sins committed unknowingly, something ignorant which is against the teaching of Vedic Scripture is termed as Paap, person does something wrong but he has no idea if it is wrong or it is not, person doesn’t not know the teaching of...
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    HELL In Hinduism - Warning! Read at your own risk.

    Hell is described with details in many scriptures. Shrimad Bhagwatam Chanto 3 - Kapil Bhagwan & mata Devhuti prasang, Few chapters of Garud puran contains minute details about hells. According to Brahma Sahita there are 14 lokas within our Universe, 7 heavens & 7 lower planets or hellish planet...
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    We are What We Eat

    Ann bane maan, Pani bane Vani Ann(Food) Maan (Mind) Pani(Water) Vani (Speach) Food develops mind, water develops speech. There was a vice saint who never got a thought about committing a sin, once after his lunch from the Kings palace he took a nav/9 lakh ka haar of a Queen & kept it in his...
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    Not everybody or anybody has the Qualification to understand or to make someone understand Our Vedic Scriptures.

    There was an Acharya who was very sick & the only treatment he was been advice from a Vediya/Doctor was to drink hot maad/type of Alchol made from Rice used for medicinal reason. Acharya, for the sake of getting well use to have maad & continued with his duties of spreading the Vedic teachings...
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    Vedic Scriptures The Supreme truth – Truly Inspiring & perfect example of Faith.

    After kaliyuga started, few years later came Lord Buddha & Mahavir. They formed Buddhism & Jainism which are the roots of Sanatan Dharm. However Buddha destroyed Vedic scriptures due to some critical reason & introduced Buddhism in Bharatvarsh. When he left, incarnation of Bhagwan Shiv who was...
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    Entering a Spritual journey

    Entering a Spiritual journey is as good as swimming in a River in the opposite direction, the current would always make us fall but still we need to keep trying & move ahead. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- When we pass out in our term we wait for our...