10 Valuable traits of Hinduism


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Apr 28, 2019
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Our Sanathana dharma that is a life style also known as Hindu way of life advocates the following among many other valuable traits.
  1. Worshiping various forms of Gods and Goddesses will eventually make one graduate towards the all pervasive single divine source.
  2. One must always be truthful to himself and to his society and environment.
  3. There must be purity in thought, speech, and deed.
  4. Non violence in thought, speech and action is part of being spiritual.
  5. Developing compassion towards all is a primary requisite of Spirituality.
  6. Uncompromising self respect and upholding of values in life is a service to God.
  7. Rituals are meant to condition one's mind and body that will eventually lead to divine consciousness of quietude.
  8. Yoga and Meditation helps one to achieve the above conditioning of mind.
  9. one must follow one's swadharma (Trait imbibed) that is effortlessly possible as it is ingrained in him or her.
  10. Accept diversity in culture, appearance,and in qualities as a creation of god and strive for harmony with these diversities upholding dignity.