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Bhaja Govindam (॥ भज गोविन्दं ॥) Song By Adi Sankaracharya in 788-820 CE
Sanskrit | English | English Translation |
भज गोविन्दं भज गोविन्दं भज गोविन्दं गोविन्दं भज मूढमते । सम्प्राप्ते सन्निहिते काले नहि नहि रक्षति डुकृङ्करणे ॥ १॥ | bhaja govindam bhaja govindam bhaja govindam müdhamate, samprápte sannihite kále na hi na hi rakshati dukrunkarane.(1) | Adore Govinda, adore Govinda, Adore Govinda, O fool! Rules of grammar are of no avail When the hour of death approaches. |
मूढ जहीहि धनागमतृष्णां कुरु सद्बुद्धिं मनसि वितृष्णाम् । यल्लभसे निजकर्मोपात्तं वित्तं तेन विनोदय चित्तम् ॥ २॥ | mūḍha jahīhi dhanāgamatṛṣṇāṁ kuru sadbuddhiṁ manasi vitṛṣṇām | yallabhase nijakarmopāttaṁ vittaṁ tena vinodaya cittam || 2 | Renounce, O fool, your tireless thirst For amassing gold and precious gems; Content yourself with whatever comes Through deeds performed in past lives; Generate righteous thoughts Devoid of passion. |
नारीस्तनभरनाभीदेशं दृष्ट्वा मा गा मोहावेशम् । एतन्मांसवसादिविकारं मनसि विचिन्तय वारं वारम् ॥ ३॥ | nārīstanabhara nābhīdeśaṁ dṛṣṭvā māgāmohāveśam | etanmāṁsāvasādi vikāraṁ manasi vicintaya vāraṁ vāram || 3 | Seeing the seductive female form, Be not enslaved by delusive frenzy. Bodies are made up of flesh and fat. Think through this again and again. |
नलिनीदलगतजलमतितरलं तद्वज्जीवितमतिशयचपलम् । विद्धि व्याध्यभिमानग्रस्तं लोकं शोकहतं च समस्तम् ॥ ४॥ | nalinīdalagata jalamatitaralaṁ tadvajjīvitamatiśayacapalam | viddhi vyādhyabhimānagrastaṁ lokaṁ śokahataṁ ca samastam || 4 | Precarious is human life, Like rain-drops on a lotus leaf; All mankind is consumed By conceit, disease and sorrow. |
यावद्वित्तोपार्जनसक्त- स्तावन्निजपरिवारो रक्तः । पश्चाज्जीवति जर्जरदेहे वार्तां कोऽपि न पृच्छति गेहे ॥ ५॥ | yāvadvittopārjana saktaḥ stāvannija parivāro raktaḥ | paścājjīvati jarjara dehe vārtāṁ ko'pi na pṛcchati gehe || 5 | So long as you provide support, Your dependents will cling; When your aging body falters, Approaching dissolution, None, not even the nearest kin, Will care to comfort you. |
यावत्पवनो निवसति देहे तावत्पृच्छति कुशलं गेहे । गतवति वायौ देहापाये भार्या बिभ्यति तस्मिन्काये ॥ ६॥ | yāvatpavano nivasati dehe tāvatpṛcchati kuśalaṁ gehe | gatavati vāyau dehāpāye bhāryā bibhyati tasminkāye || 6 | So long as there is breath, Householders seem solicitous, But when the breath leaves the body, Near and dear flee in fear. |
बालस्तावत्क्रीडासक्तः तरुणस्तावत्तरुणीसक्तः । वृद्धस्तावच्चिन्तासक्तः परमे ब्रह्मणि कोऽपि न सक्तः ॥ ७॥ | bālastāvatkrīḍāsaktaḥ taruṇastāvattaruṇīsaktaḥ | vṛddhastāvaccintāsaktaḥ pare brahmaṇi ko'pi na saktaḥ || 7 | As a boy, one is lost in sport. As a youth, one craves female company, As an old man, one broods anxiously, Alas, none yearns for Brahman. |
का ते कान्ता कस्ते पुत्रः संसारोऽयमतीव विचित्रः । कस्य त्वं कः कुत आयात- स्तत्त्वं चिन्तय तदिह भ्रातः ॥ ८॥ | kāte kāntā kaste putraḥ saṁsāro'yamatīva vicitraḥ | kasya tvaṁ kaḥ kuta āyātaḥ tattvaṁ cintaya tadiha bhrātaḥ || 8 | Who is your wife? Who is your son? Strange indeed is the glamour of samsara. Who are you? Whom do you own? Whence have you come? Brother, ponder these truths. |
सत्सङ्गत्वे निस्सङ्गत्वं निस्सङ्गत्वे निर्मोहत्वम् । निर्मोहत्वे निश्चलतत्त्वं निश्चलतत्त्वे जीवन्मुक्तिः ॥ ९॥ | satsaṇgatve nissṇgatvaṁ nissaṇgatve nirmohatvam | nirmohatve niścalatattvaṁ niścalatattve jīvanmuktiḥ || 9 | Good company fosters detachment; Detachment gives freedom from delusion. Exempt from delusion, one is steadfast, Steadfastness bestows liberation in life. |
वयसि गते कः कामविकारः शुष्के नीरे कः कासारः । क्षीणे वित्ते कः परिवारः ज्ञाते तत्त्वे कः संसारः ॥ १०॥ | vayasigate kaḥ kāmavikāraḥ śuṣke nīre kaḥ kāsāraḥ | kśīṇevitte kaḥ parivāraḥ jñāte tattve kaḥ saṁsāraḥ || 10 | When youth is spent, passion is pointless. When water has gone, what lake is left? When money is consumed, where are friends? When the truth is known, what is samsara? |
मा कुरु धनजनयौवनगर्वं हरति निमेषात्कालः सर्वम् । मायामयमिदमखिलं हित्वा ब्रह्मपदं त्वं प्रविश विदित्वा ॥ ११॥ | mā kuru dhana jana yauvana garvaṁ harati nimeṣātkālaḥ sarvam | māyāmayamidamakhilaṁ hitvā brahmapadaṁ tvaṁ praviśa viditvā || 11 | Boast not of youth, wealth or kindred. Swifter than eyes can wink, Each is stolen by Time. Let go the illusion of this world, Knowing Brahman, merge into It. |
दिनयामिन्यौ सायं प्रातः शिशिरवसन्तौ पुनरायातः । कालः क्रीडति गच्छत्यायु- स्तदपि न मुञ्चत्याशावायुः ॥ १२॥ | dinayāminyau sāyaṁ prātaḥ śiśiravasantau punarāyātaḥ | kālaḥ krīḍati gacchatyāyuḥ tadapi na muñcatyāśāvāyuḥ || 12 | Dusk and dawn, night and day, Winter and spring, come and go; Time sports, life is fleeting; Yet linger the winds of longing. |
dvādaśamañjarikābhiraśeṣaḥ kathito vaiyākaraṇasyaiṣaḥ upadeśo bhūdvidyānipuṇaiḥ śrīmac chankara bhagavac charaṇaiḥ || 13 | This bouquet of twelve verses was imparted to a grammarian by the all-knowing Shankara, adored as the bhagavadpada. | |
का ते कान्ता धनगतचिन्ता वातुल किं तव नास्ति नियन्ता । त्रिजगति सज्जनसङ्गतिरेका भवति भवार्णवतरणे नौका ॥ १३॥ | kāte kāntā dhana gatacintā vātula kiṁ tava nāsti niyantā | trijagati sajjanasaṁ gatiraikā bhavati bhavārṇavataraṇe naukā || 13 | Doting on wife, dreaming of wealth, Why roam like the restless wind? Is there not the One who ordains? In all three worlds Good company is the only vessel For crossing the seas of samsara. |
जटिलो मुण्डी लुञ्छितकेशः काषायाम्बरबहुकृतवेषः । पश्यन्नपि च न पश्यति मूढो ह्युदरनिमित्तं बहुकृतवेषः ॥ १४॥ | jaṭilo muṇḍī luñchitakeśaḥ kāṣāyāmbarabahukṛtaveṣaḥ | paśyannapi cana paśyati mūḍhaḥ udaranimittaṁ bahukṛtaveṣaḥ || 14 | There are many who go with matted locks, many who have clean shaven heads, many whose hairs have been plucked out; some are clothed in saffron, yet others in various colors --- all just for a livelihood. Seeing truth revealed before them, still the foolish ones see it not. |
अङ्गं गलितं पलितं मुण्डं दशनविहीनं जातं तुण्डम् । वृद्धो याति गृहीत्वा दण्डं तदपि न मुञ्चत्याशापिण्डम् ॥ १५॥ | aṇgaṁ galitaṁ palitaṁ muṇḍaṁ daśanavihīnaṁ jataṁ tuṇḍam | vṛiddho yāti gṛihītvā daṇḍaṁ tadapi na muñcatyāśāpiṇḍam || 15 | Strength has left the old man's body; his head has become bald, his gums toothless and leaning on crutches. Even then the attachment is strong and he clings firmly to fruitless hope. |
अग्रे वह्निः पृष्ठे भानुः रात्रौ चुबुकसमर्पितजानुः । करतलभिक्षस्तरुतलवास- स्तदपि न मुञ्चत्याशापाशः ॥ १६॥ | agre vahniḥ pṛṣṭhebhānuḥ rātrau cubukasamarpitajānuḥ | karatalabhikśastarutalavāsaḥ tadapi na muñcatyāśāpāśaḥ || 16 | Behold there lies the man who sits warming up his body with the fire in front and the sun at the back; at night he curls up the body to keep out of the cold; he eats his beggar's food from the bowl of his hand and sleeps beneath the tree. Still in his heart, he is a wretched puppet at the hands of passions. |
कुरुते गङ्गासागरगमनं व्रतपरिपालनमथवा दानम् । ज्ञानविहीनः सर्वमतेन मुक्तिं न भजति जन्मशतेन ॥ १७॥ | kurute gaṅgāsāgaragamanaṁ vrataparipālanamathavā dānam | jñānavihinaḥ sarvamatena muktiṁ na bhajati janmaśatena || 17 | One may go to the Ganga, observe fasts, and give away riches in charity! Yet, devoid of jnana, nothing can give mukthi even at the end of a hundred births. |
सुरमंदिरतरुमूलनिवासः शय्या भूतलमजिनं वासः । सर्वपरिग्रहभोगत्यागः कस्य सुखं न करोति विरागः ॥ १८॥ | sura mandira taru mūla nivāsaḥ śayyā bhūtala majinaṁ vāsaḥ | sarva parigraha bhoga tyāgaḥ kasya sukhaṁ na karoti virāgaḥ || 18 | Take your residence in a temple or below a tree, wear the deerskin for the dress, and sleep with mother earth as your bed. Give up all attachments and renounce all comforts. Blessed with such vairagya, could any fail to be content? |
योगरतो वा भोगरतो वा सङ्गरतो वा सङ्गविहीनः । यस्य ब्रह्मणि रमते चित्तं नन्दति नन्दति नन्दत्येव ॥ १९॥ | yogarato vābhogaratovā saṇgarato vā saṇgavīhinaḥ | yasya brahmaṇi ramate cittaṁ nandati nandati nandatyeva || 19 | One may take delight in yoga or bhoga, may have attachment or detachment. But only he whose mind steadily delights in Brahman enjoys bliss, no one else. |
भगवद्गीता किञ्चिदधीता गङ्गाजललवकणिका पीता । सकृदपि येन मुरारिसमर्चा क्रियते तस्य यमेन न चर्चा ॥ २०॥ | bhagavad gītā kiñcidadhītā gaṇgā jalalava kaṇikāpītā | sakṛdapi yena murāri samarcā kriyate tasya yamena na carcā || 20 | Let a man read but a little from the Bhagavad-Gita, drink just a drop of water from the Ganga, worship Murari (Krishna) just once. He then will have no altercation with Yama (the lord of death). |
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