Brahman - The absolute God of Hinduism


May 1, 2019
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The Supreme God of Hinduism - also termed Sanatana Dharma, Hindu Dharma, or Hindu Religion - is called Para-Brahman, or simply Brahman. He is eternal, formless, timeless, neither male nor female, and is manifest in every nook and corner of this creation. Many a times, the word “it” is used to refer to Brahman—it is formless, shapeless, and timeless primordial matter.

As per Hindu thought, the absolute God Brahman is too profound to be visible to naked eye or to be comprehended by human senses. So, Brahman is normally not directly worshipped - it is normally the manifestations of Brahman that are worshipped. Therefore, both formless and idol worship are allowed in Hinduism. Those who can, can directly concentrate and invoke the formless Brahman, the ultimate reality. This is called nirgunic form of worship. Nir means without, Gun means attributes, so nirgun means without attributes. However, most people find it quite difficult to concentrate on formless God, so they worship God in visual form, in the form of idols or lingas. This is called sagunic form of worship. Sa means with, so sagunic means with attributes. Both sagunic and nirgunic forms of worship are allowed, and neither is considered a sin.
Via : Prithvi
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