
Apr 28, 2019
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It's all a matter of releasing one's awareness from the ensnaring entrapments of the Mind-flow of Particulars. Even though being none other than the Self, the habit of animating the Particular UNTO itself--ie separated from the totality of the Absolute Being--is where all the problems arise. The Mind is a massive interference-mechanism (viz: interfering with the flow of awareness or connectedness with one's natural state [of the Self]), and all that's needed to accomplish is to diffuse it. And what remains over is the true Self. That's all there is to it. (When the ignorance that covers the true nature of the rope disappears, the rope gets to be known AT ONCE!)
Wherever the Mind goes, whatever the Mind does, however the Mind tricks, let it...without resisting. In the sense that we abide by its dictates unreservedly, we worship the Mind. The fact is we shouldn't worship anything knowable. For example, thought 'A' manifests, it carries with it a little dose of hypnosis; thought 'B' manifests and carries with it another little dose of hypnosis; and on, and on... The key is to watch these thoughts--impersonally--for they are NOT the Self!--at least not the way we've become accustomed to regarding them--as specific ultimatums. These are the ripples, waves, froth, etc. on top of the substratum ocean of Self: they are not the Self--rather a projection FROM the Self. This is what needs to be watched. Vairagya through viveka (discrimination between the real and unreal is applied, followed by detaching from the unreal).

Thinking is the most powerful habit we have; it's literally the engine of the ego, and is in fact what enables it to exist. The problem is its tendency to contract our awareness into its limited slots of value judgments. We have to realize that it's continuously carving and shaping our otherwise naturally infinite consciousness into false representations of the Self, precisely because we're tricked into believing in its limited parameters. This is why it's important to cultivate vairagya (dispassion), effectively being the witness and not the victim of mind-stuff.

The *ordinary* feeling of Self is Itself nothing less
than the very source and essence of Self-realization.
The idea that it is something exotic and mysterious is a gross fallacy.
The reason people don't recognize this *ordinary* state of Self-feeling
to be Self-realization is due to the interfering-mechanism of the Mind:
which assails them with the apparent neverending river of judgements.
This is what needs to be transmuted.
Done through a click in the heart.
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