Emotions, Yoga and Duality


Apr 28, 2019
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Emotions, by itself, are not wrong, but they are often concerned about something petty. Emotions channeled right can turn into bhakti (devotion towards God). One who practices a "path" has to learn to look at the movements of the nature in all its manifestations, without interfering with it. That's is what is meant by living in the world, but not of it. However, this is a 'higher' stage.

First, the person has to recognize that all the imperfections reflected in the world are mainly due to his/her own judgements. The stormy duality which seemingly exists in the world is only a faithful mirror of himself. Then, the question arises on how to detach oneself from the world when all one knows at the initial stage is the body and the mind.

This is where yoga comes to help. Yoga quietens the mind to a great extent and an equanimity comparable to complete rest. This rest is accentuated by a bliss and joy (usually called samadhi). However, more importantly it becomes clear that all the happenings in the world is only a play, lila. Slowly, the vairagya (learning how to observe ourselves without emotions, judgement) is cultivated. Thus, the emotions and passions which create the turbulence in the mind are checked by emptying the mind of all images and stepping beyond the duality. Though this state may last only a few minutes initially, with the person returning to his habitual reactions, all that is neccessary is only this brief moment of illumination, or rather the brief glance at one's Self. Meditation is the art of awareness. Awareness always brings an end to addictive habitual reaction. It is the only way for the unaware man not to be enslaved to habitual reactions. It will be soon discovered that the habitual reactions are not actually real and will slowly lose its grip on the person as the persons continues to abide in his inner being, the Self.

It may look like the philosophy calls for emotionless, loveless life. On the contrary, what is called for an egoless love and emotion. When one has rediscovered his inner being, so to speak, he is nourished by a pure Love that has no basis in what is commonly seen as love among humans. It is at once liberating, and leads to a condition of happiness never before experienced.

I will conclude with an example. It is impossible for a driver of a cart to know whether he has the control of the cart until he stops. Once he stops, he can evaluate that the nature of the wheels. Similarly, so long as one is immersed in the world, in material life, and governed by its emotions, whims, rhythms and the cycle of success and failure, there is no hope of permanent happiness. One has to withdraw into himself and observe the world with detachment to see that the world operates of itself, and the judgements are largely self-imposed.

One can talk about this forever and never experience the reality which is being talked about. It is entirely up to you to take the step. This does require risk in the sense of losing "grip" of what you have been familar with all your life. But this step in absolutely neccessary. No one can do it for you. Once you have taken that step into the infinite void of bliss which is nothing but your Self, you will understand the oneness of life. Though we may not be able to change the manner of how the world operates, we can change ourselves to abide in the Self and view it differently. To lead such a life is both joyful and fun, believe me !
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