Gita for Modern World - Yoga of Grief


Apr 28, 2019
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Did you ever realize that those little lows or unhappy moments of your life can be most precious gems. Not that you start seeking grief, yet if thats what comes your way by chance at any given time know that, this itself could be a means to take that quantum leap, elevate vibrations to unite with the universal spirit. How ? When in utter grief Arjun surrenders, falls to the ground and says I am in thy refuge , I am your disciple now teach me what I should be doing. When everything is in control what do we do ? We are in command , never does the thought of letting God take control of our minds come. Blessed indeed are those moments of utter disgust as thats when the ego is shattered and the space is created for the Lord to take over the seat in our hearts.
After the war of Mahabharata when the Lord Krishna is about to leave the Pandavas, Queen Kunti Mother of Pandavas makes an unusual request, she asks Krishna to fill her life with miseries she says Lord tough moments are those moments when you have been closest to us and now that things are under control you are leaving us. Thus I prefer those miseries when you are holding our hands.
This beautiful journey of life comes with many scenic drives , forests , streams , mountains and cross roads to pass by. When you are at any cross road of life and do not know which path to take. What is the best way, to find your way? These intense moments are the moments which instead of being moments of confusion can be the times of deepest devotion deepest connection with the supreme authority of the universe who is the knower of all begin and ends.
Change is the only constant in this universe, One thing is ever constant is always a battle which keeps happening in the mind between the divine virtues and the demonic qualities. The Demonic qualities are a few which have to be overcome the divine virtues are several which have to be cultivated. The Mind itself is the battlefield of Kurukshehtra.
Dhitrashtra symbolizes ignorance, ignorance which is born out of attachment to what is dear and assumed to be ones own. Since during the entire recital of Bhagwat Gita his eyes are on the object of attachment he is not able to listen or imbibe an iota of what is being preached by the Lord himself. He is so lucky to be listening to the holy Gita the moment its being uttered by the blessed lord. Yet he gains nothing.
Sometimes we do not see things in right perspective. Life is nothing but a set of lessons, Lord God is working every moment to align us with our purpose through his maya is the greatest teacher and thus situations are created in our lives for our learning so that we may look at life more deeply. Understand its higher purpose. The same was done by the lord for Arjuna, before the battle began the lord being the Charioteer of Arjuna stopped the chariot just in front of the people Arjun cared and respected deeply , Bhisham Pitamah , Dronacharya etc. Had the chariot stopped in front of Shakuni and other kauravas Arjuna would not have fallen prey to the moments of despair just before the battle was to begin.
Key Principles
1. Make the supreme power of the universe your charioteer, he will open your eyes to perspectives that need to be seen.
2. Change your outlook and Moments of grief can be precious gems to make the quantum leap
3. Ignorance is setting eyes on what is dear and assumed to be ones own go beyond it.
4. When in attachment one cannot have any spiritual gains.
5. Be patient and see greater meaning in everything that happens, Situations are created in your life so that we gain impactful lessons to align with our purpose.
6. Remain aware that the Mind is a battlefield of Kurkshetra where there is a constant fight going on between the divine and the demonic qualities.
7. The demonic qualities are a few which have to be overcome, the divine virtues are many which have to be cultivated.
Author ~ Nivedita Anandmayee