Hindus are their own enemy By Tarun Vijay


May 1, 2019
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Hindus are their own enemy Whether it is a Savarkar, Bhojshala or Ram temple issue, Hindus seem to be at loggerheads with Hindus so severely that it shames even a communal hate campaign between Muslims and Hindus.

Hindus are their own enemy
Tarun Vijay

Whether it is a Savarkar, Bhojshala or Ram temple issue, Hindus seem to be at loggerheads with Hindus so severely that it shames even a communal hate campaign between Muslims and Hindus.

There are Hindutva-vadi organizations on one side. The other side is made of those who are influenced by a spectrum of Communist ideology expressed through innocent looking names and supported by ‘once upon a time nationalist’ Sonia-Congress and sundry political parties. But the majority of them have Hindu leaders, pre-dominantly Brahmins. Parliament has a predominant presence of Hindu members and this government runs on a major share of revenue collected from Hindus.

Still Hindus feel they are threatened and Hindu organizations behave as if they are a minority. Those who take up Hindu causes like banning cow slaughter and building Ram temple or entering Bhojshala are rebuked and attacked by Hindus.

Recently, Prithvi theatre in Mumbai celebrated its annual festival and it began with Sadat Manto’s comedy. Theatre represents our times, our pain, our joys, agonies and aspirations. Devoid of surrounding realities it becomes a dead ritual conducted in the wilderness of escapism. Having a look at the overall presentations of the Prithvi theatre celebrations, it was saddening to see a total absence any depiction of the Hindus’ sufferings at the altar of Islamic terrorism.

This is a typical example of a religious and a highly respected Hindu family totally disconnected from the contemporary realities of their co-religionists’ pain and anguish. In a nation, facing worst ever terrorist attacks, which has witnessed 61,000 innocent children, women and men killed brutally by Islamic Jihadis in two decades, not a single play has been enacted by the theatre wallahs on it, who otherwise impress western audiences with their synthetic ‘down to earth’ mannerisms.

Sir Vidia rightly calls it Hindu amnesia. We fear even remembering our dead. How many textbooks in India tell our children about the sacrifices their ancestors made to retain and protect the culture and Dharma of the nation?

More than a million Hindus were killed during the partition of India. They paid the price of their leaders’ weaknesses and defeatism. They didn’t demand the division. Muslims wanted it and got it at the cost of Hindu lives. We celebrate 15th August with a fanfare and gaiety that matches a New York carnival. Not a single reference is made to the barbarism faced by the Hindus.

Laboratory of non-Hindus

The North East has become a laboratory of all non-Hindu forces. In the neighbouring countries Hindus are gradually being eliminated, harassed and converted. Bangladesh and Pakistan have shown extraordinary fall in the Hindu population post – partition and in Sri Lanka Christian proselytizers are having a field day ‘harvesting’ poor and war torn Hindus.

The worst opposition to a Hindu cause comes from a Hindu alone. In 1947, India got a truncated independence but Hindus, who bore the brunt of subjugation for centuries have yet to get the fruits of it. We have had many faithful Hindu heads of state who performed all sorts of yajnas and pujas to stay in power, and yet cow slaughter continues and Hindu temples are taken over by state governments. A faithful Hindu is still a target of jokes and mockery, and gets contemptuous references in the so called mainstream media. A Hindu leader declares with pride enhanced grants for the haj pilgrims but in the same breathe denies a single paisa increase to the grants for Kailas Manasarovar pilgrimage.

K.M. Munshi has given an example of a Hindu priest, Shivrashi, in his famous novel Jai Somnath. Shivrashi brought Mahmud of Gazni inside the sanctum sanctorum of Somnath driven by his personal ambition to become chief priest. Gazni desecrated Somnath and then beheaded him too.

We have lost more wars because of the enemy within. Can any Hindu leader remember when was the last time we won a war? After browsing six or seven or eight centuries we may reach 1971. That alone makes Indira Gandhi one of the greatest Hindu leaders ever. But we opposed her tooth and nail.

Ram Janmabhumi was and is being opposed by more Hindus than Muslims. Abrogation of Article 370 is opposed by Hindus and so they oppose the common civil code and a ban on conversions, though all these issues have a direct bearing on their survival. But Hindus love opposing Hindus and making fiery speeches which mean nothing. Hindus getting killed and raped in Bangladesh has had hardly any echo in Hindustan. In Saudi Arabia, 25,000 Hindus have been converted to Islam, but no one wrote even an editorial on it.

Our hypocrisy hurts us

We are good at brandishing swords and trishuls but can’t clean the neighborhood temple or stop demands for dowry. We worship Durga during Navratras and Puja, but kill a girl-child in the womb because Devis are for temple and sons are for the family. Our pilgrimage centers look pathetically unclean with pandas looting the harassed pilgrims and conducting pujas in filthy ghats with improper chanting of mantras. The moment you say something about reforming it, the high priests of our Hindu organizations declare you a dharma-drohi, or ‘secular’. We are awakened only when a Meenakshi Puram or a Jhajjhar happens. But how many of us celebrate Diwali with those Dalits whose ‘conversion’ pains us immensely? How many of us go to their homes during Holi or take them to Bhagwat Katha Yajnas, so popular these days? How many so called ‘low caste’ people are our friends in the normal way? We and our Sadhus, divinities in ochre robes, speak volumes about equality of humans and the need to love plants and stones alike. But we hate humans with ‘wrong’ caste suffixes and bar them entering our homes and ashrams till they convert and change names to some David or a Khan. In UP, the ‘Hindu nationalists’ could do nothing to improve the holy cities of Varanasi, Hardwar, Ayodhya or Prayag. Jagmohan gave several millions for Varanasi but all the money remained under-utilized and badly managed. The ghats at Rishikesh do not speak of the glory of a great Dharma and Ganga and Yamuna remains maili, because throwing filth in these holy rivers is a common Hindu karma and cleaning it is considered the government’s Dharma.

No Muslim invader is ruling these places but we Hindus have not cared to use the best in our Dharma for the betterment of our own society and environ. We love cows and worship them. But more than 90% of cow-slaughter houses are owned and run by Hindus. Hindu industrialists and business men give more money to non-Hindu organizations to get fame as true ‘secularists’ than they donate to Hindu organizations, and newspapers run by Hindu millionaires are the worst campaigners against Hindu causes.

Will this continue for ever?

We have come a long way and survived wonderfully, facing the onslaughts of invaders and our own hypocrisy for millennia. The undercurrents of a Hindu renaissance are becoming visible now. This is not only reforming Hindu society but is also preparing it to take on the united challenges of Islamic Jihad and aggressive Christian prosylitization campaigns.

Hundreds of ochre robed sanyasins are working in the remote rural areas running schools, dispensaries and adult education centres. They have converted their temples into centres of modern awareness including free computer training for the poor. Not sufficient, but not insignificant either.

A new Hindu is rising, full of energy, compassion and love, yet un-compromising in matters of nation and Dharma.
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