How to Break Karmic Ties?


May 1, 2019
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Ex-boyfriends or girlfriends, former partners or employers, negative family members or relatives…sometimes you just want out of any energetic ties between you and the people you dread most or simply want out of your life. But sometimes, these ties are hard to shatter and do not just go away on their own. Sometimes, relationships don’t end with physical detachment, as every relationship also applies somewhere on the astral… but what about those bonds that have been there for lives upon lives? What about Karmic ties?

What Are Karmic Ties

Karmic ties are the invisible cords that that connect you to certain people throughout multiple lifetimes, eons and dimensions. These cords result from soul connections in higher dimensions and are thus difficult to break or get rid of. In higher dimensions relative to the Source, however, all souls are connected to one another; but in lower paradigms, some souls are closer to one another. In your current lifetime, a lot -if not most- of the people around you have been a part of your environment in several past lives and they will most likely be present in your future.

How to Recognize a Karmic Relationship

Karmic relationships linger for whole lifetimes until, and if ever, cut off. In order to recognize a karmic relationship, you would have to question yourself:
  • Which person(s) of my past is/are still present in my dreams and astral plane?
  • Which person(s) that I do not recognize is/are present in my dreams and astral plane?
  • Which person(s) do I feel closer to me even though we have lost touch?
  • Which person’s life can I sympathize and empathize with or even predict its future, even though I have not seen or heard from them in years?
How to Disconnect

Deciding to disconnect from a soul that your past, present and future are intertwined with can be a difficult task, albeit a necessary one if:
  • The particular soul in your current lifetime is harassing you
  • The particular soul seems to cause you more pain than joy
  • The particular soul is not part of this world
Choosing to cut the cord once and for all is only advised when your soul is bound to a negative other, one that is harmful and possibly feeds off you. Some people even have memories of living throughout the Middle-Ages, having taken part in dark rituals, summoned harmful beings and created ties with creatures they now realize are not good for their current balance. Some other people simply want to shake off the negativity their soul had picked up during another lifetime. But most of us simply want to get rid of the influence of souls who, in this lifetime, have harmed and troubled us.

This simple and easy method will help you consecrate yourself of that influence and break any ties between you and your past.

Step One: Lie down and ease your mind. Inhale deeply, hold, and then exhale in steady rhythm. This is a cycle-technique and should be implemented over and over until you come to a deep relaxation.

Step Two: Close your eyes and focus on seeking a soul that is karmically tied to you. Envision a cord beginning from your crown chakra (head), which is where your eternal, cosmic ties are attached (any cords springing from the lower chakras aren’t karmic, but merely emotional). Taint it any color you like, but focus on it until it leads to that person/soul. This may take a while and a lot of souls may pop up along the way. Opt to focus on only one for now.

Step Three: When this person/soul reveals itself before you, talk to them, expressing the reasons as to why you would want to break this cord you share. Sometimes the soul at the other end will assist you in breaking it.

Step Four: Envision a knife or pair of scissors and cut the cord. Only go on with this if you are 100% sure you want this tie to break.

Step Five: Let the image of the soul and cord dissolve as you steadily drift back to the physical world and open your eyes. Wash your crown chakra with running water.

Karmic ties should be meditated on before ‘taken care of’. Observe the particular tie that bothers you, question and learn from it before cutting it off once and for all.