Indo-Mayan Connection – India’s South American Relatives


Apr 28, 2019
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Maya is a commonly used term in an Indian context, which roughly means illusion. Another place where we can come across the term is in the ancient civilization, the Mayans. The words were strikingly similar and that led us to explore other similarities between the two great civilizations and furthermore, a connection.

An Indo – American Link

We are not the first people to think of this connection. Many great historians and anthropologists have postulated a connection between the Indus race and the Aaryans. Here are some examples -

Miles Poindexter – In his book, “Arya Incas” published in the year 1930, he explains that in pre-glacial times, Asia and America were geographically connected. He further says that the Mayan civilization was “unquestionably Hindu” and its inhabitants came to the Americas through the Island chains of Polynesia.

Baron Alexander Von Humbolt – A European anthropologist, he was the first person to postulate the Asiatic origins of American civilization. He wrote “Mexicans worshipped a figure made of man with the head of an elephant. It presents some remarkable and apparently not accidental resemblance with the Hindu God Ganesh.” Another interesting point to note here is the fact that elephants do not exist in south America for them to envision a similar god. And to describe elephants so accurately, it could only be through influence from another civilization.

Sir Edward Brunett Tylor – A British anthropologist, drew similarities between a tortoise legend of America and the Tortoise legend of India. He says “The striking analogy between the tortoise myth of North America and India is by no means a matter of new observation.“Furthermore, there is archeological evidence of the concept of the tortoise depicting the tectonic plates of the earth found in temples of Java.

Dos Santos – A Brazilian Nuclear Physiscist, the author of the book “Atlantis – The lost continent finally found”, mentioned in it that “the dravidians of South India reach America before Christopher Columbus. To substantiate this, he takes the example of Paraguay’s national language Gourani, which has striking phonetic similarities with Tamil, the South Indian Language.

This is just few of the works that we have highlighted from modern archeology and anthropology which accepts this connection. This connection is further talked about in our ancient scriptures as well.
Now we will see some clues left to us from our ancient texts, suggesting an Indo Mayan Link.

A round earth

The Indian knowledge bank always subscribed to the view that the earth is round and revolves around the sun like 8 other planetary bodies. Proof of this lies in the following instances –

The Aryabhatiyam – An astronomical treatise by the great mathematician and astronomer, Aryabhatta, summarises that the earth is round (Bhugola). It also summarises time zones and predicts the various positions of the sun with respect to four reference points along the equator.

Puranic Texts – The Varaha avatar of Vishnu shows the mythical boar lifting a “round” earth out of the waters that threaten to engulf it. Although the story itself is hard to envision to a scientific mind, what is important to note is that even the story teller here subscribes to the notion of a round earth.

Jagath – Jagath is another name for the earth. In Sanskrit, this means, that which has momentum. This coupled with the proof of the round earth showed that the Indian civilization already knew of the earth’s round and orbital nature.

Why is this relevant? Read on.

China syndrome

There is an American joke which says that, if there is a nuclear attack on the US, the people there could dig a hole and keep digging through till they reach the other side of the world which would be modern day china.

This joke makes sense with the knowledge of the round earth. Now recollect the fact that the ancient Indians knew about a round earth. We compared this knowledge to some stories which are well documented by the Puranas.

Patala Loka
If one were to dig a hole from India, we would end up in the modern day Central America. Indian folklore talks of a place called the Pathala Loka which is directly under the earth. It was known to be the abode of the Asuras and Danavas.

Let’s look at some stories and facts which refer to the Pathala Loka.

King Mahabali

Mahabali, a great Asura king and a descendent of the revered Asura and Vishnu devotee, Prahlad, was known as a great king and had lead a prosperous civilization. Upon an encounter with the Dwarf, Vamana, who was Vishnu in disguise, he was banished to the Pathal Lok due to his arrogance. On the request of his distraught subjects, King Mahabali was allowed to visit his kingdom once a year. The festival Onam is celebrated on this accounts.


As mentioned earlier, Aryabhattiyam, the mathematical and astronomical treatise even postulated the positions of the sun at various places in relation to four focal points. One of the focal points, right near modern day Mexico, known as Siddhapura, is mentioned to have a twelve hour difference with Bharatvarsha, which is modern day India.

He even goes on to mention that the people of Siddhapura was the land Inhabited by the Asura people.

Not hell and Definitely Not an Underground Kingdom

Over time, the Pathala Loka has been misinterpreted as an underground kingdom of the demon. But with the research from D.K. Hari and Hema Hari from BharatGyan , we have now come to know that this Pathala Loka is the other side of the planet.

We have further proof that these ancient Mayans, as termed by the colonial records were none other than the Asuras mentioned in the Hindu scriptures.


Apr 28, 2019
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Colonial Misinterpretation or Cover Ups
The Americas were colonized by the Spanish. Their account of the inhabitants of the place was that it was a much uncivilized society which didn’t have any human values. The Spanish accounted for large burial pits with hundreds of beheaded bodies, suggesting Human Sacrifice. Movie representations of the people from this region have made a deep impression of their apparent cannibalistic nature.

However, these ancient American clans especially the Mayans, were known for their fully developed written language, their art, architecture, mathematical and astronomical system. The glorious pyramid structure built in their time still dot the landscape of America. During their peak, they were known to have been one of the most densely populated and the most culturally dynamic population in the world.

It is hard to envision a society which was so scientifically and culturally advanced to have been blood thirsty cannibals. This common view about the Mayans could actually be a cover up of a Spanish massacre in the process of the suppression of the locals during their invasion? A clue lies in the Bared teeth motif, which has been the world’s image of the ancient American clans.

This motif was interpreted as a representation of the ferocious Mayan gods who demanded sacrifice for their satisfaction. But a research from the faculty of archaeology at Leiden University from Holland, have shed a new light on these Motifs.

According to their analysis “exposed the clenched teeth are not common features of the universal facial expression of anger, which is instead characterised by widened eyes, tense lower eyelids and lowered, furrowed brows” .

To sum it up, these motifs could actually be representing a smile.

Indian Misinterpretation

The word Asura, from an Indian context brings up a lot of negative impressions. The word Deva, on the other hand is synonymous with everything good about humanity. The Puranas show the Asuras as constant war against the benevolent and the God like Devas. They are depicted as powerful people who misuse their power for their own glorification and destroy anything that comes in their way.

But What is the Meaning of Asura?
The word asura was used as an adjective or form of address, for various clans other than Deva or Sura clan.

Literary scholars confirm that the Vedic references to the word were used in the context of “Lording” or “Lordship” or “Master of”. In fact, Gods such as Indra and Varuna were referred to be Asuratva, lordly or having control of.

If we look back deeply into most of the texts, the Asura were not demons, as the word demon is understood today, but in fact were strong, capable people with self-focus. They were spirited people.

Even the Puranas were testament to this. There are notable Asuras who are revered by everyone namely Prahalad, the Vishnu Bhakt, Mahabali, who is the descendant of Prahalad and Mayasura, the architect of Ravana’s Lanka.

Furthermore, the city of Indraprastha, the first kingdom of the Pandavas was built by an Asura. One of Bhima’s wife, was a Rakshasa.

Yaksha is the name of a broad class of nature-spirits, usually benevolent, who are caretakers of the natural treasures hidden in the earth and tree roots.It is said that the Yaksha clan along with the Asura, inhabited Pathala Loka.

The word Yaksha is very similar to the name of the ancient American civilization Yaxchila.

A Common Misconception
It is oddly similar that the Mayans of the west and the Asuras of the east were misunderstood the same way. Both were illustrious beings which were later given the name of vile cannibals for whatever reason. Even the nature of their misconceptions is similar.
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