Inner meaning of the kiirtimukha


Apr 28, 2019
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Rahu was once sent as a messenger to Siva to demand that the latter surrender His wife to the king. "Why will an ascetic need such a beautiful wife?" Siva got angry and from His anger a rather fierce being emerged, with three heads, seven legs, and terrible fangs. The being rushed at Rahu in order to devour him, and Rahu dived at Siva's feet begging for protection. "I am only a poor brahmin, sent as a messenger." he said, "please Siva, protect me !". On hearing the word 'brahmin' the being immediately left off his attack, and Siva allowed Rahu to return to the demons. The being, however, complained to Siva that he was hungry, and Siva told him that if he were truly hungry he should eat his own hands and feet. The being took this as an order, and devoured his own limbs until only his head was left. At this, Siva became very pleased and called him "kiirtimukha" and bade him to protect the doors of his temples forever. Kiirti means fame, while mukha means face. However, here, kiirtimukha refers to the terrible face one has, but a Heart which will obey Shiva even without thinking about its health. We should all be like that.

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