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In Dwaparyuga After Bhagwan Sri Krishna returned to his spiritual Planet Goloka, Kaliyuga entered our Prithviloka/Planet Earth. King Parikshit, The son of Abhimanyu & Mata Uttra had such a great command in his ruling that he never allowed Kaliyuga enter his Kingdom. Kaliyuga resides in 4 greatest sins. (1) Meat eating (2) Gambling (3) Illicit sex (4) Intoxication, due to King Parikshit rule, kaliyuga had no place to enter his Kingdom, he feared king Parikshit & everybody were Spiritually strong to not get influenced by commiting sin. However because it was the law for kaliyuga to enter our Planet (There are 4 yugas, Sattyuga, Tretayuga, Dwaparyuga & kaliyuga, Laws were already been made & so whatever happens, Kaliyuga had to enter anyhow) & so a game was been planned by The Supreme in which King Parikshit was cursed to die within 7th day with a snake bite due to which he renounced & heard Shrimad Bhagwat Saptaha from Divine personality SukdevGosamiji & on the 7th day left for spiritual planet. What happened next?
Before we start the Discussion would like to clarify few things about our Vedic Scriptures.
The Ved’s are completely against animal Sacrifice practise because it talks about Panchyajna which is done when a person commits sins UNKNOWINGLY. Panch means 5 & those five unknowingly committed sins by us are. (1) Jadne/Dusting (2) Kutne/Grinding (3) Lipne/Pasting (4) Agni/Lighting flame (5) Jal/Fetching water. Scriptures which talks about Yagyas for those unknowingly committed sin’s, how can the same scripture teach us to kill the innocent, KNOWINGLY & in the name of Sacrifice?
Once Danavas/Demons came to Swargloka/devloka with a doubt (Devtas are good & kind Administrator who would even guide their enemies towards Dharma, they would clear their doubts) Danavas asked, what make you people rule such heavenly planets with such Divine powers? Yagna/Sacrfices, Devtas replied. Danavas said even we shall start with Sacrificial practises. When creation happened, first came the Trinity concept of Sri Brahma, Sri Vishnu & Sri Mahesh & later the Ved's appeared from Sri Hari Vishnu & the knowledge was passed to Sri Brahmaji. Sri Brahmaji & Bhagwan Shiva are the Guna Avatars of Sri Hari Garbhodakshya Vishnu.
*Vishnu Bhagwan is the controller of Sattoguna/Goodness
*Brahmaji the controller of Rajoguna/Passion
*Bhagwan Shiva the controller of Tamoguna/Ignorance.
Universe was made under these 3 modes & before the 3 modes came in to existence these divine deities came into existence & took the responsibility to control those modes. So if the deities took control over these modes there should be something Passionate & Ignorant which would defiantly happen within our Universe? Due to which few laws were made in our Scriptures for people under the mode of Goodness, Passion & Ignraonce. However these laws were introduced so that anyhow an Ignorant person performs with his karma & moves to the mode of passion & later performs karmas in the mode of passion & moves to the mode of Goodness & later from the mode of Goodness the person move much higher to Nishkam Karmas/No desires. Which leads to Moksha.
We discussed about how the Universe was made under 3 modes of Nature.
Example : Due to Ignorance quality situated within our Universe. The Creator knew people would tend to eat flesh & so Ved’s came up with a law. Ved’s said. If a person wants to eat Flesh there are rules to be followed.
1) Pet a Goat like a kid, feed him & when he turns old feed on him.
2) Take him far from the house near any Devimaa temple.
3) Can consume meat only once a month at the time of Purnima.
4) While slitting the Goats throat see with a feeling of his own child in that Goats eyes, tears should fall from the eyes of the Butcher.
5) Chant a mantra in his ears "MAMSA" The word Maans/Flesh derived from this mantra "Mamsa" meaning "I GIVE YOU EQUAL RIGHTS TO TAKE MY LIFE IN MY NEXT BIRTH"
Manu Smriti 5.55. ’Me he (mam sah)’will devour in the next (world), whose flesh I eat in this (life); the wise declare this (to be) the real meaning of the word ’flesh’ (mamsah).
So does Vedas really promote Non-vegetarianism? NO!
Manu Smriti 5.51. He who permits (the slaughter of an animal), he who cuts it up, he who kills it, he who buys or sells(meat), he who cooks it, he who serves it up, and he who eats it, (must all be considered as) the slayers (of the animal).
5.52. There is no greater sinner than that (man) who, though not worshipping the gods or the manes, seeks to increase (the bulk of) his own flesh by the flesh of other (beings).
Will the person really chant mamsa & slit the goats throat? If yes, it is not to promote Non-vegetarianism but to make the person feel ashamed & quit with such ignorant practise.
It’s like a mother wants to give medicines to her Kid & she bribes the kid with Chocolates, Mothers intention is not to make his kid eat chocolates but medicines & same way Intention of the Ved’s is not promoting Non-vegetarianism/Chocolates but wanted the person to Prohibit chocolates & eat Medicines/Eat vegetarian food.
So wherever we read about Sacrificial practise in our Scriptures is not to practise but it is Nishedh/Prohibited & to make Ved’s simple, Vedvyasji (One of the Incarnation of Sri Hari Vishu) compiled puran’s to simplify the teachings of Ved’s.
Manu Smriti 5.46. He who does not seek to cause the sufferings of bonds and death to living creatures, (but) desires the good of all (beings), obtains endless bliss.
Humans Tendency is only how to copy, we do exactly what others do, If Salman, Sharukh, Amir, Hritik, Malika, Katrina comes up with some Style even we would copy them & so the Sacrificial practice was been copied by everybody at the start of Kaliyuga & this grew Rapidly on our entire Planet, for every small ceremony Buffaloes, lambs were been slaughtered/Sacrificed due to which Mercy himself came in the Form of Bhagwan Buddha whose main motto was Ahimsa Parmo Dharma.
Bhagwan Buddha - Non violence is one of 26 qualities that Sri Krishna counts as daivi sampat, "of the nature divine." The Buddha's mission of non violence in the cruel Kali age has won him the eternal praise of a great devotee of Krishna, Jayadeva Gosvami, who wrote in his famous Sanskrit work Gita Govinda:
nindasi yajna vidher ahaha shruti jatam sadaya hrdaya darshita pashu ghatam keshava dhrita buddha sharira jaya jagadisha hare
"O Keshava (Krishna), Lord of the Universe, who have assumed the form of Buddha! All glories to You! O Buddha of compassionate heart, you decry the slaughtering of poor animals performed according to the rules of Vedic sacrifice."
More Reference about Buddha from our Vedic Scriptures.
• Harivamsha (1.41)
• Vishnu Purana (3.18)
• Bhagavata Purana (1.3.24, 2.7.37, 11.4.23)
• Garuda Purana (1.1, 2.30.37, 3.15.26)
• Agni Purana (16)
• Narada Purana (2.72)
• Linga Purana (2.71)
• Padma Purana (3.252) etc
However the Huns/Chinese came up with 2 concepts within Buddhism, one who performs Vegetarianism which are hard to find presently & others are those who eats Non-Veg & also consume alcohol. But this 2nd concept can be proved wrong,
this can be proved wrong with our own experience, when ever we sit in a Buddhist temple, our mind turns VERY peacefull, we get positive vibes & so how can such a divine deity teach us how to kill?
"The eating of meat extinguishes the seed of great compassion."~ The Buddha (Mahaparinirvana Sutra)
"One is not a great one because one defeats or harms other living beings. One is so called because one refrains from defeating or harming other living beings."~ The Buddha Dhammapada, Ch. 19 (15/270),
Before we start the Discussion would like to clarify few things about our Vedic Scriptures.
The Ved’s are completely against animal Sacrifice practise because it talks about Panchyajna which is done when a person commits sins UNKNOWINGLY. Panch means 5 & those five unknowingly committed sins by us are. (1) Jadne/Dusting (2) Kutne/Grinding (3) Lipne/Pasting (4) Agni/Lighting flame (5) Jal/Fetching water. Scriptures which talks about Yagyas for those unknowingly committed sin’s, how can the same scripture teach us to kill the innocent, KNOWINGLY & in the name of Sacrifice?
Once Danavas/Demons came to Swargloka/devloka with a doubt (Devtas are good & kind Administrator who would even guide their enemies towards Dharma, they would clear their doubts) Danavas asked, what make you people rule such heavenly planets with such Divine powers? Yagna/Sacrfices, Devtas replied. Danavas said even we shall start with Sacrificial practises. When creation happened, first came the Trinity concept of Sri Brahma, Sri Vishnu & Sri Mahesh & later the Ved's appeared from Sri Hari Vishnu & the knowledge was passed to Sri Brahmaji. Sri Brahmaji & Bhagwan Shiva are the Guna Avatars of Sri Hari Garbhodakshya Vishnu.
*Vishnu Bhagwan is the controller of Sattoguna/Goodness
*Brahmaji the controller of Rajoguna/Passion
*Bhagwan Shiva the controller of Tamoguna/Ignorance.
Universe was made under these 3 modes & before the 3 modes came in to existence these divine deities came into existence & took the responsibility to control those modes. So if the deities took control over these modes there should be something Passionate & Ignorant which would defiantly happen within our Universe? Due to which few laws were made in our Scriptures for people under the mode of Goodness, Passion & Ignraonce. However these laws were introduced so that anyhow an Ignorant person performs with his karma & moves to the mode of passion & later performs karmas in the mode of passion & moves to the mode of Goodness & later from the mode of Goodness the person move much higher to Nishkam Karmas/No desires. Which leads to Moksha.
We discussed about how the Universe was made under 3 modes of Nature.
Example : Due to Ignorance quality situated within our Universe. The Creator knew people would tend to eat flesh & so Ved’s came up with a law. Ved’s said. If a person wants to eat Flesh there are rules to be followed.
1) Pet a Goat like a kid, feed him & when he turns old feed on him.
2) Take him far from the house near any Devimaa temple.
3) Can consume meat only once a month at the time of Purnima.
4) While slitting the Goats throat see with a feeling of his own child in that Goats eyes, tears should fall from the eyes of the Butcher.
5) Chant a mantra in his ears "MAMSA" The word Maans/Flesh derived from this mantra "Mamsa" meaning "I GIVE YOU EQUAL RIGHTS TO TAKE MY LIFE IN MY NEXT BIRTH"
Manu Smriti 5.55. ’Me he (mam sah)’will devour in the next (world), whose flesh I eat in this (life); the wise declare this (to be) the real meaning of the word ’flesh’ (mamsah).
So does Vedas really promote Non-vegetarianism? NO!
Manu Smriti 5.51. He who permits (the slaughter of an animal), he who cuts it up, he who kills it, he who buys or sells(meat), he who cooks it, he who serves it up, and he who eats it, (must all be considered as) the slayers (of the animal).
5.52. There is no greater sinner than that (man) who, though not worshipping the gods or the manes, seeks to increase (the bulk of) his own flesh by the flesh of other (beings).
Will the person really chant mamsa & slit the goats throat? If yes, it is not to promote Non-vegetarianism but to make the person feel ashamed & quit with such ignorant practise.
It’s like a mother wants to give medicines to her Kid & she bribes the kid with Chocolates, Mothers intention is not to make his kid eat chocolates but medicines & same way Intention of the Ved’s is not promoting Non-vegetarianism/Chocolates but wanted the person to Prohibit chocolates & eat Medicines/Eat vegetarian food.
So wherever we read about Sacrificial practise in our Scriptures is not to practise but it is Nishedh/Prohibited & to make Ved’s simple, Vedvyasji (One of the Incarnation of Sri Hari Vishu) compiled puran’s to simplify the teachings of Ved’s.
Manu Smriti 5.46. He who does not seek to cause the sufferings of bonds and death to living creatures, (but) desires the good of all (beings), obtains endless bliss.
Humans Tendency is only how to copy, we do exactly what others do, If Salman, Sharukh, Amir, Hritik, Malika, Katrina comes up with some Style even we would copy them & so the Sacrificial practice was been copied by everybody at the start of Kaliyuga & this grew Rapidly on our entire Planet, for every small ceremony Buffaloes, lambs were been slaughtered/Sacrificed due to which Mercy himself came in the Form of Bhagwan Buddha whose main motto was Ahimsa Parmo Dharma.
Bhagwan Buddha - Non violence is one of 26 qualities that Sri Krishna counts as daivi sampat, "of the nature divine." The Buddha's mission of non violence in the cruel Kali age has won him the eternal praise of a great devotee of Krishna, Jayadeva Gosvami, who wrote in his famous Sanskrit work Gita Govinda:
nindasi yajna vidher ahaha shruti jatam sadaya hrdaya darshita pashu ghatam keshava dhrita buddha sharira jaya jagadisha hare
"O Keshava (Krishna), Lord of the Universe, who have assumed the form of Buddha! All glories to You! O Buddha of compassionate heart, you decry the slaughtering of poor animals performed according to the rules of Vedic sacrifice."
More Reference about Buddha from our Vedic Scriptures.
• Harivamsha (1.41)
• Vishnu Purana (3.18)
• Bhagavata Purana (1.3.24, 2.7.37, 11.4.23)
• Garuda Purana (1.1, 2.30.37, 3.15.26)
• Agni Purana (16)
• Narada Purana (2.72)
• Linga Purana (2.71)
• Padma Purana (3.252) etc
However the Huns/Chinese came up with 2 concepts within Buddhism, one who performs Vegetarianism which are hard to find presently & others are those who eats Non-Veg & also consume alcohol. But this 2nd concept can be proved wrong,
this can be proved wrong with our own experience, when ever we sit in a Buddhist temple, our mind turns VERY peacefull, we get positive vibes & so how can such a divine deity teach us how to kill?
"The eating of meat extinguishes the seed of great compassion."~ The Buddha (Mahaparinirvana Sutra)
"One is not a great one because one defeats or harms other living beings. One is so called because one refrains from defeating or harming other living beings."~ The Buddha Dhammapada, Ch. 19 (15/270),