Need for the Nation of Hindutva


Apr 28, 2019
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Promoting the cause of the Hindu Rashtra and enabling it to survive and prosper in an increasingly hostile environment
The failure of Communism, as demonstrated by the collapse of the USSR and the present deplorable socio-economic condition of most of the remaining Communist countries, as well as the obvious deficiencies in the Capitalist system, as clearly shown by the rapid, and ever-accelerating, downfall of Western society, both act as ample evidence that a different solution is required. The only solution to the world's problems is to look back, and rediscover the ancient truths, to refind the greatest, the most perfect system - the Vedic way. The Dharma that espouses love for each other and harmony, not competition in its dealings with each and every other part of God's creation, is the only thing that can now save humanity from what is potentially its worst enemy - itself.

Not just for Bharat, but for the sake of the whole of the human race, it is absolutely essential that Hindutva comes once more to the fore. The Divine Mother, Bharat Mata, who has been recognised by some of the greatest minds ever to have lived - both Hindu and non-Hindu - to be "the Mother of us all" must again rise. At this extremely dangerous point in mankind's history, where humanity itself is threatened, it is essential for the Divine Mother to come to the protection of Her children - us - and, armed with the Knowledge and Divine Power of the ancient Vedic Truths, to fight off the dangers which threaten their existence.

In these times of ever-growing religious fundamentalism and militancy in both the Christian and Islamic worlds, not just Hindutva, but the very fabric of humanity itself is under threat. In this situation, it is our duty and our privelege, as Hindus and as the guardians of the most sacred and glorious treasure known to mankind - the Truth, in the form of the Divine word of the Holy Vedas - to fight back against this monster of religious fanaticism.

Since the time of the tragic partition of Bharat by communal, fanatic Muslims and weak, spineless Hindus, the Hindu population in Pakistan (as well as that in Bangladesh) and Jammu & Kashmir state has been falling at an alarming rate. The official figures from the Government of Pakistan put the Hindu population of that country at somewhere around the 3 to 4 million mark, less than 3% of the population! These Hindus are stranded and voiceless in a nation which has as its foundations the sentiment of blinding hate for Hindus and all they stand for. It is essential that those who have the capacity to do so make every effort to bring to light the dreadful atrocities against human rights inflicted upon these brothers and sisters by the fanaticism of militant Islam as found in Pakistan and Bangladesh.

Whilst unmentionable acts of violence and sheer brutality are committed against Hindus throughout the world, these are completely ignored by the international community. Meanwhile, in places like the Kashmir valley, as also in various other places throughout Bharat, militant forces, fiercely loyal to the cause of "Jihad", "Khilafah" and the "Nation of Islam" conduct a huge campaign against Hindus - this not only involves carrying out of unspeakable acts themselves, but also the staging of numerous events, for no other reason than to malign the Hindu community and the Indian administration. Why is it that the international community, including such "human rights agencies" as Amnesty International, are able to totally ignore these facts? The reason is that we as Hindus ourselves prefer to ignore them. This must come to an end!! It is time that the Hindu stopped being the ever-compassionate, excessively tolerant, all-accepting coward that he has been - we must shake off the counter-productive, pathetic, spineless legacy of the Gandhian era. It is time once again for the lion of Hindutva to roar throughout the world!!

It is with this in mind that the "Nation of Hindutva" website has been created, with the express aim of "promoting the cause of the Hindu Rashtra and enabling it to survive and prosper in an increasingly hostile environment".

Via: Nation of Hindutva
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