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There was an Acharya who was very sick & the only treatment he was been advice from a Vediya/Doctor was to drink hot maad/type of Alchol made from Rice used for medicinal reason. Acharya, for the sake of getting well use to have maad & continued with his duties of spreading the Vedic teachings. One day he was sitting with few elderly village people, few rich, few Gurus & this was the time for his medicines. Acharyaji’s wife asked his son to get his father to come home & have maad/his medicines, else it would turn cold. The brahmana child was smart enough to understand that his father is with few important people & If I ask father to come home & have maad, this would sound bad to others, so he said something which only his father could understand.
“Dhanupur se madu aya, katvatiya ghat par betha hai, ap chal kar unhe mil lijiye, nahito sheetal pur ko chala jayega” Only His father understood what his child wanted to say.
Dhanupur se madu aya - After dhan is boiled maad comes out
katvatiya ghat par betha hai - Katvatiya ghat means khatota/katora/ poured in the Glass already
ap chal kar unhe mil lijiye – Come & have the drink
nahito sheetal pur ko chala jayega – Else it would turn sheetal/Cold
Hearing this the others just understood that there is some person named Madu who came from Dhanpur & sitting near Katvatiya ghat & Acharya has to meet him because later he might head towards a place named sheetalpur.
Moral: The teachings of Vedas can only be understand by GOD from whose inhale & exhale the scriptures appeared & can be understood by his loving children’s who are our Vedic Acharyas, Guru, saints etc. Out here God is compared to the Acharya & his child as a saint, Rishi, Mahatma etc. Nobody had the understanding to understand their code language & so nobody has to authority to understand our Vedic Scriputre until they are not our Vedic Acharyas with some divine personalities. So if any person quotes us from any Vedic Scriptures first ask his qualification, ask the chain of Gurus from which he is learning Vedic Scriptures & if he do not, please do not waste time with such people. Scriptures can be understood only & only from the cycle of Vedic Acharyas which is coming since the time of creation.
Example: My personal diksha Gurudev HH Sri Radha Govind Maharaj who was initiated from his Gurudev, His divine Grace Srila Prabhupada disciple of - Bhaktisidhanta saraswati thakur who was a disciple of Gaurakisora Dasa Babaji who was a disciple of Jagannatha Dasa Babaji, Bhaktivinoda Thakur which leads to Shad goswami to Sri Chaitanya Maharapbhu & that leads to Sri Madhavacharya (incarnation of Vayu dev)which leads to Sukdevgoswami which later leads to Vedvyasji (Avesh Avtar of Sri Hari Vishnu)the compiler of Scriptures from his guru Narad muni & that even leads much far in Suryanshi dynasty from Sri Ram, Dashratha maharaj which leads to Ishvakuthe the root of suryavanshi dynasty later to Manu maharaj/first man & atlast leads to Sun God Vivashwan where the Knowledge of Gita was spoken for the first time by the supreme from where this cycle if been carried untill today..
sri-bhagavan uvaca
imam vivasvate yogam proktavan aham avyayam
vivasvan manave praha manur iksvakave 'bravit (Gita ch 4 text 1)
TRANSLATION -The Blessed Lord said: I instructed this imperishable science of yoga to the sun-god, Vivasvan, and Vivasvan instructed it to Manu, the father of mankind, and Manu in turn instructed it to Iksvaku.
A rough estimate is that the Gita was spoken at least 120,400,000 years ago; and in human society it has been extant for two million years. It was respoken by the Lord again to Arjuna about 5114 years ago.
Same way the chain is linked with all Vaishava Sampradaya, Ramanujacharya, Nimbarkacharya, Vivashwarupacharya, Vallabacharya & many acharyas from our Vedic Past.
We should not accept any translation from a Doctor, Engineer, dance teacher, Islamic or Christian Scholars like Dr Zakir naik etc on our vedic scriptures, they came up with their own translation on Vedic Scriptures without any authority or Vedic qualification & Always follow the chain of disciples.
Original picture attached of Vyas Cave near Mana gam 4 kms ahead from Badrinath, place where Vedvyasji spoke on all divine deities after meditation & Sri Ganesha bhagwan wrote all our Vedic Scriptures with his Tooth.
||Hare KrishNa||
“Dhanupur se madu aya, katvatiya ghat par betha hai, ap chal kar unhe mil lijiye, nahito sheetal pur ko chala jayega” Only His father understood what his child wanted to say.
Dhanupur se madu aya - After dhan is boiled maad comes out
katvatiya ghat par betha hai - Katvatiya ghat means khatota/katora/ poured in the Glass already
ap chal kar unhe mil lijiye – Come & have the drink
nahito sheetal pur ko chala jayega – Else it would turn sheetal/Cold
Hearing this the others just understood that there is some person named Madu who came from Dhanpur & sitting near Katvatiya ghat & Acharya has to meet him because later he might head towards a place named sheetalpur.
Moral: The teachings of Vedas can only be understand by GOD from whose inhale & exhale the scriptures appeared & can be understood by his loving children’s who are our Vedic Acharyas, Guru, saints etc. Out here God is compared to the Acharya & his child as a saint, Rishi, Mahatma etc. Nobody had the understanding to understand their code language & so nobody has to authority to understand our Vedic Scriputre until they are not our Vedic Acharyas with some divine personalities. So if any person quotes us from any Vedic Scriptures first ask his qualification, ask the chain of Gurus from which he is learning Vedic Scriptures & if he do not, please do not waste time with such people. Scriptures can be understood only & only from the cycle of Vedic Acharyas which is coming since the time of creation.
Example: My personal diksha Gurudev HH Sri Radha Govind Maharaj who was initiated from his Gurudev, His divine Grace Srila Prabhupada disciple of - Bhaktisidhanta saraswati thakur who was a disciple of Gaurakisora Dasa Babaji who was a disciple of Jagannatha Dasa Babaji, Bhaktivinoda Thakur which leads to Shad goswami to Sri Chaitanya Maharapbhu & that leads to Sri Madhavacharya (incarnation of Vayu dev)which leads to Sukdevgoswami which later leads to Vedvyasji (Avesh Avtar of Sri Hari Vishnu)the compiler of Scriptures from his guru Narad muni & that even leads much far in Suryanshi dynasty from Sri Ram, Dashratha maharaj which leads to Ishvakuthe the root of suryavanshi dynasty later to Manu maharaj/first man & atlast leads to Sun God Vivashwan where the Knowledge of Gita was spoken for the first time by the supreme from where this cycle if been carried untill today..
sri-bhagavan uvaca
imam vivasvate yogam proktavan aham avyayam
vivasvan manave praha manur iksvakave 'bravit (Gita ch 4 text 1)
TRANSLATION -The Blessed Lord said: I instructed this imperishable science of yoga to the sun-god, Vivasvan, and Vivasvan instructed it to Manu, the father of mankind, and Manu in turn instructed it to Iksvaku.
A rough estimate is that the Gita was spoken at least 120,400,000 years ago; and in human society it has been extant for two million years. It was respoken by the Lord again to Arjuna about 5114 years ago.
Same way the chain is linked with all Vaishava Sampradaya, Ramanujacharya, Nimbarkacharya, Vivashwarupacharya, Vallabacharya & many acharyas from our Vedic Past.
We should not accept any translation from a Doctor, Engineer, dance teacher, Islamic or Christian Scholars like Dr Zakir naik etc on our vedic scriptures, they came up with their own translation on Vedic Scriptures without any authority or Vedic qualification & Always follow the chain of disciples.
Original picture attached of Vyas Cave near Mana gam 4 kms ahead from Badrinath, place where Vedvyasji spoke on all divine deities after meditation & Sri Ganesha bhagwan wrote all our Vedic Scriptures with his Tooth.
||Hare KrishNa||