The glory of the divine parents


Apr 28, 2019
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One can not express the glory of the divine parents in mere words. Reading the life histories of the bhakta-s who were devoted to Her, and the saints in the periyapurana is inspiring. So is the reading of the thiruvilaiyadal (leelas of Lord Shiva), the various puranas like the basava purana, brahmananda purana, the shiva purana, the devi bhagavatam etc. However, all of these fall short of the actual experience one has when one stands before Them with folded hands and stills the mind.

One is right to question on who am I to even talk about their glory. However, I take consolation in the fact that no one is. Even if Brahma was to sit down and detail the intricate lilas of Lord Shiva and Shakti, he wouldn't come close to finishing the dissertation before the end of this yuga.

The reason a servant talks about his master is not because the master needs publicity or support, but because the servant is happy doing so. A child may talk about his mother, sometimes even wrongly and mistakenly, but the Mother always forgives the child because She loves him. Such is the case here.

Some of you may be confused with the non-dualistic experiences and thoughts below and their connection with the divine parents. The state of non-duality can be achieved not only by self-enquiry as to 'Who am I?' but also by unconditional surrender to the divine parents by offering everything in a spirit of sacrifice (though in a sense there is nothing to offer or sacrifice, since everything belongs to Them).

Further, Shiva-Shakti does not mean just manifestations seen by the senses but also mean consciousness at rest and consciousness in action, respectively. Thus they represent the noumenon and phenomenon, respectively. Who can know Shiva ? Who can know Shakti ? Only those who experience the Self. Since God is omnipresent, He is surely within you as the Self. Intellectual movements in the consciousness can not hope to fathom the glory of the spirit. Any mind which operates by exclusion, in duality cannot hope to realize the nondual reality. Until one surrenders completely, breaks the chains of devoring desire and ignorance, Shiva-Shakti will remain but a nice idea, someone who is worshipped, a interesting aspect from a distant land....

Humble obeisances to the eternal couple - ShivaShakti - always in undivided union and abiding as the universal consciousness which inheres as the Self (Atman) in all, from which all creations are projected and into which everything is finally dissolved.

May we joyously participate in the lila of Shakti
while being established in the consciousness of Shiva.​
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