Three Phases in the History of Hinduism


May 1, 2019
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History of Hinduism went through three phases. We are currently into the third incarnation of Hinduism. Each phase of hinduism led to some very important developments with respect to the religion, almost completely changing the characteristics and the culture of the religion. The three phases are as follows.

1) There was a time when there was no trinity, there was no Vishnu or Siva. The God of the religion at that time was called Brahman. Devas filled up anciliary positions in the hierarchy.

2) This was the time when the Saptarshis took over the religion - trinity of Brahma, Vishnu, and Siva took shape. This was the period when Vedas were extensively used by Saptarshis to control the religion. A deity could be considered as a Hindu God only and only if he is part of the Vedas. If a new tribe entered into India and if they wanted their God to be considered as Vedic, they had to declare their God as the visual manifestation of one of the gods mentioned in the Vedas. This phase of Hinduism died with the three century drought of 2200 BC, when Buddhism took over India and when Hinduism was almost wiped out.

3) This phase, which is the current phase, started with decline of Buddhism and rejuvenation of Hinduism. In this phase, there are no Saptarshis and Vedas do not have any control. A God can be considered as a Hindu God even if he is not Vedic. Take the case of 19th century saint Sai Baba, who has a large number of tempes all over India today. He has nothing to do with Vedas, yet he is considered as a Hindu God. The religion followed by Indians today is not Vedic religion - it has nothing to do with Vedas. A few hundred years from now, and Hinduism will have absolutely no contact with Vedas; the connection will be severed forever.

Via : Prithvi
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