Tobacco is Good or bad in Hinduism ?


May 1, 2019
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Tabacoo is bad even for present life as well as next life.

Why even after so much of tapasya/austerity, medetation many brahmanas do not possess spritual powers?

According to Purans from the rakt/blood of mother cow, tabocco was obtained & so tobacco eating is not just injurious to health but those who eats tobacco is not a sanatan Dharma follower because hindus never eat mother Cow flesh, due eating tabacco Gayatri offence/apradh take place by Brahmanas (Brahmans are people who reads Vedic scriputres, who understands Brahm/ The Supreme)

Data tu narakam yati brahmano gram shukarha,
dhumrapan ratam vipram yastu danam prayachati.

Translation - By donating anything to a brahmana who Eats or drinks tabocco falls in hellish planets & the tobacco eating brahmana reincarnates as a Shukar/pig in his own village.

Many would say we cant survie without any intoxications, we would die. So its better to die without comsuming intoxication rather than to consume such sin & die, later fall in hellish planet.

Prohibition of intoxication & flesh is our vedic samskar

HH Rajendraji Maharaj
||Hare KriShna||

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