Types of Yoga


May 1, 2019
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Four kinds of Yoga, four primary ways of salvation in Hinduism, four possible paths to moksha or salvation.

1- Bhakti Yoga, the way of devotion:
It is the most popular god-road in India. Devotion and honor towards a god or gods...
2- Karma Yoga, the way of good works:
To carry out good works, good deeds, give money to the temple or to people, attend festivals, pilgrimages... and do the work for God's sake instead of your own... whatever you do, do it for God... don't look for fruit or success, just do it because it is the will of God.
3- Jnana Yoga, the way of knowledge.
To explore the Sacred Scriptures, usually with the help of a guru or a sadhus. It usually consists of three steps i.e Thinking, Hearing (or reading) and meditation.
4- Raja Yoga, the way of contemplation or meditation:
It is called the "royal road", and it is the one used by most Hindu and Buddhist Cults... "meditation", or better, "contemplation", with the 8 steps of Raja Yoga.

How Yoga Works: How to obtain the union with the Absolute:

All Yoga methods include at least two components: Meditation (prayer) and discipline (asceticism).

To obtain the union with the Absolute, Hinduism claims, the greatest obstacles are your own "body", "mind" and "personality", so they have to be suppressed or controlled:
1- To control the "body", they use body postures, solitude, breathing exercises;
2- To restrain the "mind" meditation techniques are used (mantras, yantras, koans...);
3- And to suppress your own personality, your "self", they have gurus or masters who humiliate you, besides teaching you.

1- Body Postures:

They are used to control your "physical body": The idea is to control mind and focus on self for hours or days until you realize truth from within...
Gautama Buddha stayed under a tree for 49 days... the founder of Zen, Bodhidharma, sat in a cave while staring at a wall for 9 years.

2- Meditation Techniques:

For a Hindu or a Buddhist "meditation" is an act to get control over the "mind".

Mantras: For example, a "mantra" is a word or a sentence that has to be repeated thousands of times daily, until the mind gets in control and concentration is set towards almighty ishwara . the person after chanting mantra's is left with the peace and joy of his mind, without any worries about the yesterday, or today, or tomorrow, or the after- death... the Hare Krishnas have to sing their 16 words mantra 1,728 times a day... in the Transcendental Meditation they have to repeat the mantra for hours during the initiation, and for 40 minutes daily for life...

Yantras is concentrating your eyes for hours on a geometric figure: Triangle, circle... with the same effects that mantras.
Visualization is another technique: To visualize a scene for hours,
In Zen Buddhism "koans" are used: A "riddle impossible to solve", and the student have to try to solve it, thinking on it for days or years, until the mind comes in control.

3- The "Guru", or the "master":
The Guru is an important part of all Yoga, to destroy ignorance inside one's own character and he helps in guiding us to self realization.
Via - religion-cults with some edits

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