What is suffering ?


Apr 28, 2019
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The pain and pleasure are only sides to the same coin. Wise chinese men aptly have the same word for crisis and oppurtunity. Suffering and pain are states perceived only because the state of lack of suffering and pain has been perceived. The individual, ego, mind all are also objects of perception. It is only by a habitual error that we identify ourselves with our perceptions and this is the cause of all suffering.

The ego exists within this anxiety and fear. Seeking pleasure and running away from suffering, one is constantly choosing based on past perceptions. Eventually, it is realized that all intention and will was only to free ourselves from the suffering incurred by the ego. The object itself does not contain pain or suffering. Neither does the object bring joy. It is only when we attach a name or form, and compare it based on past memory does the feeling of joy or suffering arise. Acceptance of suffering and joy unconditionally weakens the ego. The ego then accepts and dissolves within the Self, our true being. What is left is clear sighted silence, an objectless non dual experience.

By this awareness, free from all references of the past, or thoughts of the future, free from choice, repetition, habits, fear and desire, is a spontaneous understanding which has nothing whatsoever to do with mental activity. The accumulation, choosing, elaborating, and worry which take place on the time limited frame disappear. Being uninvolved with this circle, the swinging between past and future stops and we are awake to liberating awareness. Agitated swinging from past to future prevents you from living now in fulfilment itself. In your natural state, that of the Self, there are neither reminders or anything forgotten. Thoughts and feelings still flow but you don't associate them with you.

You exist not because of the body and mind but because you are a manifestation of the Self. Direct perception awakens you to this living. You cannot reach this state by logical analysis because your true nature is only being. True concentration and meditation can take place only when the subject and object relationship is transcended and there is no meditator ! Established in the Self, it is apparent that the ego/mind never did even exist in Reality !