Evolution happened in two strides, one as a continuation of sentient species (animal to offspring, plant to seed). Second, evolution also happened on a different dimension, it's called consciousness and human beings triumphed to become the dominant species in that regard. Maybe on a parallel creation reptiles would have triumphed.
Since a multitude of species emerged they all have equal rights to prolong their existence and continue their species. Since there is only one planet for all of them, the only choice is "CO-EXIST". So, plants didn't just create a seed, they created a fruit and made it sweet so that animals eat it and dispose of it with its excretion to create nutrition for the seed. Coexistence is the key to this planet to survival.
Our scriptures talk about the evolution of the cow. You don't find wild cows, you only find wild buffalos and wild horses. Cows were genetically groomed by humans so that we can rely on them and they rely on us (but you can discard the genetically grooming nonsense for this conversation). That is why cows are well treated and taken care of, like giving them a bath, proper nutritious food, and safety from predatory animals. More than all this cow become a family member and TREMENDOUS love was given to them. You will not believe the among of love. The cowshed is considered more auspicious to live and stay in than royal homes. The cow became the second mother to human beings. Why? because during the second dimension of human evolution (consciousness) only a cow created the means for human beings from becoming wild hunters. Without cows, human beings have to resort to hunting. Cows created an ecosystem allowing humans to achieve pastoring. Other civilizations are clear examples of how hunting was a daily livelihood. Only in the land of Hind, cows created means where day-to-day hunting was only limited to savage and forest dwellers. Hence milk become the YEAR-ROUND PROTINE AND PROBIOTIC along with Ghee which became the OJAS center for human conscious evolution. That is why this culture is the only spiritual culture that survived whereas all (Egypt to Mesopotamia to greek to pagan .... all vanished during the exploits of barbaric invasions that relied on meat as their primary source).
Hence cows are treated like GODS.