10 Differences between Hindus and Muslims in their Voting Habits


Apr 28, 2019
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India is a democratic country where each and every religion is ‘supposed’ to have equal rights (there is no Uniform Civil Code in place, by the way). But, the diverse religions—Hindus, Muslims, Sikh, Christian, Jain and Buddhism among others—together define India’s culture and ethnicity. Each citizen here has common roots.

India has been the home for both Hindus and Muslims for hundreds of years now. Needless to say, in spite of both the religions staying happily in each other’s company, their relationship has often fallen prey to opportunist ‘secular’ politicians (both British in the bygone era and the contemporary ones) for the latter’s benefit.

Here are the 10 factors where Hindus and Muslims Differ in their voting habit: –

1) Religion

Religion is a sensitive issue in India. Political leaders try to influence both Hindus and Muslims during elections. You will find political leaders visiting religious places during elections. Since Muslims believe in their religion more than any other thing in this world, it is quite easy to get Muslims in your favor. The community is more sensitive on religious and community issues than national issues.

Hindus, on the other hand, owing to their liberal thinking often fail to see through things. The secularism bug has bitten many Hindus and they easily forget that as a majority community, their interests overlap with that of the nation—they care more for development, education, and good leadership. The political leaders seize on this opportunity and bag the Muslim vote bank in this way.

2) Reservation

Reservation has influenced Hindus during elections. Political parties promise lower-caste Hindus to introduce innumerable amenities after their victory.

This influences them to support that party in the elections. Similarly, the Muslim vote bank is captured by promising them numerous amenities in the name of “minority”.

3) Candidate’s religion

Many political parties distribute election tickets by analyzing the religious population in every area. Political parties give tickets to a Muslim leader where Muslims are in the majority because they know it will influence the voters.

Although this is a common human sentiment, this does not, however, work in every Hindu majority area. The right candidate with a clean image and literate profile influence them more. However, the shrewdness of the political leaders discriminate the Hindus according to their castes to capture the vote bank.

4) Caste factor

Caste factor is a special weapon of political leaders to discriminate among the Hindus. We know that there are multiple castes in Hindu religion like Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya, and Shudra.

In spite of being more literate and able, the Hindus are still falling prey to this caste distinction. Although there are two distinct castes among the Muslims, too—the Shia and the Sunni sects—this factor is does not influence their voting style in any important way.

5) Money and drink

Money and drink are the master strokes to divert lower class Hindu people for voting.

Volunteers of Political leaders influence slum voters by distributing liquor and money before the election. This factor is common in both villages and cities, including the metros.

6) Iftaar party

Political leaders and parties arrange Iftaar parties for Muslims. They organize this event on a large scale and invite many Muslim leaders in the party to build a soft corner.

Political leaders distribute sweets and fruits to Muslim families. The reason behind this party is to show Muslims the political leaders’ amiable presence for them always. However, you won’t really notice such lavish Diwali or Holi parties—you know why!

7) Candidate’s profile: –

70% Hindu voters analyze candidates profile before voting. They vote the right candidate according to the latter’s ability. They analyze the candidate on the basis of his past work, education qualification; past record etc.

However, according to research, only 20% Muslim voters analyze the profile of a candidate before voting the reason for which can only be the lack of literacy among the Muslims.

8) Religious promotions (Fatwa)

Political leaders and parties ask Masjid caretakers to appeal Muslim voters to vote for them.

Many times it is seen that famous masjids have announced to support a particular party and that party got victory many times. This is a kind of religious promotion that influences Muslims.

9) Tradition

Many political leaders have influenced Muslim voters by wearing Kufi hats (a hat worn by Muslims during prayer). The effect was last seen in the 2015 Delhi elections where a new party has won all Muslim majority parliament seats.

The main leader of that party did the same before elections. Same thing could be seen in Bengal elections, too, with Mamata Bannerjee attending every Muslim event before the elections. However, things like these are seldom seen to capture the vote bank of the Hindus.

10) Negative publicity

Many political leaders start negative publicity to influence Muslim voters. They show how the opposition party will destroy them or affect them after the victory.

They involve many Muslim leaders to spread fake news. This kind of negative publicity also influences Muslim voters. This kind of publicity has influenced Hindus in the past.

These factors influence the voting of Hindus and Muslims in India. Hindus and Muslims both need to understand the importance of elections. For the development of India, we must choose a right government with right candidates.

Source : Hindutav