10 DISCIPLINES In Sanatan Dharma/Hinduism


May 1, 2019
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1. Satya (Truth)
2. Ahimsa (Non-violence)
3. Brahmacharya (Celibacy, non-adultery)
4. Asteya (No desire to possess or steal)
5. Aparighara (Non-corrupt)
6. Shaucha (Cleanliness)
7. Santosh (Contentment)
8. Swadhyaya (Reading of scriptures)
9. Tapas (Austerity, perseverance, penance)
10. Ishwarpranidhan (Regular prayers)

10 DISCIPLINES In Sanatan Dharma/Hinduism

1. Satya (Truth) - Even to save dharma if we need to lie is considered as truth. A butcher comes to you in search of his cow which is to be slaughterd & if we lie saying no we dnt see your cow even if it is in our courtyard it is considered as Dharma & this lie is not a lie.

2. Ahimsa (Non-violence) - Untill we dnt have the rights to give someone a life, we got no rights to take someone's life. B hagwan Buddha said - "Ahimso Parma Dharma"

3. Brahmacharya (Celibacy, non-adultery/no Illectical sex) - Gita says - Sex is also available in Dogs kingdom, even they mate with who ever they desire & so does monekys & if we follow their path whats the diffrence in humans & animals?

4. Asteya (No desire to possess or steal) - Its already written what we would get in our destiny mentioned on our forehead by Brahmaji, we would either get it by earning or someother way but when we follow the path of ignorance to get that money written in our destiny, it builds bad karmas.

5. Aparighara (Non-corrupt) - Corruption can only be stoped by 1 way & there is no other way.*Save mother cows/respect cows .

6 Shaucha (cleanliness) - South Brahmins maintain a lot of Cleanliness, they do not mind taking a bath in ice cold river to take Darshan of Sri Badrinathji. Bathing 3 times a day is very important in Vaishnava sampradaya.

7) Santosh (contentment/Sattisfaction) - Assume we earn 10000 a month but this month we get paid with just 9000, the whole month we would worry about the 1000 which we did not get & wont get sattisifaction of the 9000 that we earned. Desire is like a fire in our life which always keeps burning & greed works as a fuel.

8) Swadhyaya (Reading/hearing of scriptures)- We all noticed when we come back from some pilgrimage place we get positive vibes, we pretend to be pure & not follow any ignorance, but when we come in contact with the material nature at our home town we are influenced by bad & we once again forget the purity. Reading or hearing scriputers every day keeps us safe from such Ignorance.

9) Tapas (Austerity) - Fasting, eg. when a person fast on Ekadashi senses gets shrinked. Our polluted mind is been controlled by our senses & when we do any powerfull austerity like Fasting we are forcing our tounge/touchering our tounge to not get the pleasure of taste & with such a practise our sense of tounge comes in our control. Sameway other senses can be purified.

10)Ishwarpranidhan (Regular prayers) - From 24 hours a day we can atleast remove sometime to offer prayers to the Superme who gave us food to eat, air to breathe, clothes to wear, family, friends etc.

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