Brahmakumaris on how a vegetarian lifestyle supports the environment at multiple levels, enhancing food and water security, preventing air and water pollution, global warming as well as deforestation.
How a vegetarian lifestyle supports the environment:
Worthwhile use of food: a steer that provides 200 kg of meat enables the preparation of about 1500 meals; with the cereal it ate, about 18000 meals could have been made.
Worthwhile use of water: 1 kilo of meat requires at least 15000 – 30000 litres; 1 kilo of wheat requires at least 1000 litres.
Worthwhile use of soil: a field of land can produce 6000 kg carrots, or 4000 kg apples, or 1000 kg cherries, or only 50 kg beef.
Preventing deforestation: about 70% of arable land on earth is used for cattle-raising and growing cereals to feed them; enough land to feed the whole world population many times vegetarian; but even now, every minute, man destroys an area of forest equivalent to 5 football fields.
Preventing air and water pollution: about 50% of water pollution in Europe is due to intensive animal farming; the pollution comes from slurry, manure and chemical fertilizers; every day, 2 million tons of this waste pollutes the Earth’s water.
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