Decoding The Shocking Truth Of The Current Hindu Beliefs


Apr 28, 2019
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Hinduism is looked down upon by many people as a religion of baseless practices and rituals. Some even consider them to be superstitions. Today, the initiative to clear the air and give Hindus something to be proud of.

Family members and people in general keep distance from women who are currently going through menstrual cycle. Why? Is this not a discrimination, a form of neglect by superstition? Not actually.
During this time, women lose a lot of blood and iron elements with it. A natural tiredness comes with that. They also have to go through some ache in their backs. So a doctor would always recommend rest on such occasions invariably. So keeping her away from religious rituals and other daily works will provide her the much needed rest to heal quickly and de-stress herself.

Swallow Tulsi leaves but don’t dare to chew them? Why? Chewing gums is generally considered as a bad manner among Hindus. Thereby, when President Obama was chewing gums in front of parade on the Republic Day, he was heavily criticized. Anyways, Tulsi has the heavy dose of mercury in it. So if you chew Tulsi, mercury will pour out and it is somewhat dangerous for teeth which may eventually result them to fall at earlier age. So a quick swallow is recommended to escape the danger and enjoy the high benefits of it.

Eat curd and sugar before walking out of the house.This is very interesting and touching when done by by parents.When you walk out of your house especially for some jobs which will transform your life, you are sure to have a stressful day throughout.So curd contains calcium and protein and with sugar, it provides a calming effect on you and de-stresses your body as curd and sugar act good agents for stomach. So you stay fit and positive and walk out the winner.

You should not sweep houses after sunset.Why not? Actually this belief has been handed down from past time when no electricity was there.So in the darkness you might sweep out any small gold ornaments that might have fallen on the ground accidentally. So, a fear was inspired symbolically that Maa Lakshmi might walk out of the house if house is swept after sunset.The same reason holds even for cutting your nails after sunset.

Hang a string containing lemons and chilies in front of your house and shop to prevent evil from intruding.This is seen everywhere is not it and most people laugh at it. The evil known to human kind is harmful microbes. All diseases prevalent in the society are due to their intrusion in our bodies.Sourness of lemon and hotness of Chilies are known to kill many such harmful agents in our stomach. So for the obvious reason, hanging them in the front of house or shops can keep them away and prevent contamination of food and grocery products as people consider the entrance as a way of their plots.

Stepping out of the house during an eclipse is highly prohibited and even consuming food is restricted. But why? The reason is if you go out of the house, you may be tempted to look at the eclipse taking place with your naked eyes, as it happens rarely, many years after. So the exposure of naked eyes to the cosmic rays will definitely affect your retina and thereby bringing severe consequences to vision and even blindness. Rods and cone cells can get damaged permanently and may lead to retinal burns.That is one part,the second part is without sun rays in an eclipse, the microbes like harmful bacteria and viruses become dominant and if foods are consumed at that period, it might cause harmful effect on digestive system. So most people, either heat up food after eclipse gets over, to destroy the harmful microbes or throw away the food to avoid eating harmful or “contaminated” food.Is not that scientific enough critics?

Why do people apply Tilak on the forehead.Is it some fashion?
Nope. Tilak is applied in between the eyebrows.It is a point of major nerve ending. People concentrate on this point in meditation to achieve higher spiritual awakening. It is a point of massive energy center. Tilak is known to have have calming effect and thus helps to keep the concentration in work and de-stress the nerves coming out from that point