Entering a Spritual journey


May 1, 2019
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Entering a Spiritual journey is as good as swimming in a River in the opposite direction, the current would always make us fall but still we need to keep trying & move ahead.
When we pass out in our term we wait for our finals & from School days we wait to turn a graduate where we face many problems, & higher education with many more problems same way Entering into Spiritual life is inviting problems, not every student can be a FIRST class Graduate & so not everybody can be a First Class devotee.

Few exams which we need to overcome.

*When a person starts wearing a tulsi kanthi or a tilak on his/her forehead people would demotivate them by calling them with different names, A babaji, A sadhuji etc, what is all this old tradition from the 60's?

--- A person gives up wearing a kanthi, tilak & fails in the first exam, if a person anyhow passed this exam by not getting demotivated he/she would face more problems.

*Family problems - Family would start demotivating their spiritual practice, this is not your age to do all such things, they might wont behave good with us & do something opposite our belief for eg. Food, devotee wont prefer tamsik food but family would prepare tamsik food forcefully to tease the person.

Out here many devotee accepts their family needs & falls down or would be a devotee & also follow what the family members say.

*Business problems - These problems would come not because God wants to see us in pain but he is seeing if we really got faith in him at times of loss & profits?

--- Out here many gives up their spiritual life & once again enter in material life but if anyhow they passed this exam.

* Marital problems - Most of the time such person would get a wife/Husband who is totally opposite spiritual belifs.

--- Person who already faced so many problems in life is now prepared to face such bigger problems by accepting what his/her wife/Husband needs but from heart would do what the soul requires, when time passes both would sail in the sameboat with one destination & attain liberation.

After the exams are passed, life turns simple & stable & the best part of Spirituality. A pure devotee would always get the strength to face any problems in his/her life & would never be demotivated by the mercy of God. But still such a devotee would still not get what he/she desires but would get what exactly he/she deserves in life/what exactly a soul deserves & such a devotee is hard to find.

||HaRe KrIshNA||