Vamana Avatar :- Lord Vishnu's 5th Avatar, that of a Dwarf - Vamana. Lord Bali was a pious and generous Asure King, known for his grand Yagnas and gifts to Brahmanas thereafter. Incidentally, his grandfather, Prahalada, was the young devotee of Lord Vishnu during the Narasimha Avatar. As his prowess grew, he became a threat to the Devas. After a while, Lord Indra was forced to abdicate the heaven becuase of him. This upset Indra's mother, Aditi. She, along with Rishi Kashyap, her husband, prayed to Lord Vishnu to restore the glory of the Devas.
As usual, Lord Vishnu intervened. He was born as a son to Aditi, and then, taking the form of a Pygmy or Dwarf priest, he went to King Bali's Yagna. There, when it was time to distribute gifts to the Brahmans, Lord Vishnu asked for land enough to cover 3 paces of his walk. Amazed by the humble request, King Bali readily agreed to fulfil Vamana's wish. Meanwhile, the Asura Guru, Shukracharya, undeerstood that the pygmy was no normal being, but was Lord Vishnu himself. Though he warned his protigy, being the righteous person that he was, King Bali refused to go back on his word.
Almost suddenly, the dwarf priest grew so large in size that the earth was dwarfed by him! taking his first step, he covered the complete earth. Then, with the next step, he covered the heavens. Now, looking down on Bali, he told him that there was no space left to put his third foot. Bali, humbled by then, asked the Lord to place his foot on his head, so that he may attain salvation, a suggestion which Lord Vishnu accepted.
So, we say that in this Avatar, Lord Vishnu has evolved from an animal into a human being, albeit in the dwarfed stage. A brief summary of the Avatars is listed below:
Matsya (fish-aquatic) -> Kurma (tortoise-amphibian) -> Varaaha (boar-mammal) -> Narasimha (half animal - half man) -> Vamana (pygmy-human)
This is supported by the modern theory that man has evolved from animals, and it is known that early man was short in stature.
Parasurama Avatar :- Moving on Lord Vishnu's 6th Avatar, that of the warrior Parasurama. There are many legends surrounding Lord Parasurama that extend through several ages, especially becuase he is considered an immortal being.
Parasurama was the great-grandson of Maharishi Bhragu. He was a Brahmin who was blessed to be born with Kshatriya qualities. His all arts of warfare was learnt by him directly from Lord Shiva after performing tough penance.
His father, Jamdagni, once hosted the Haihaya King Sahasrarjun (Arjun with 1000 hands), when he fed him and his army with the help of the divine cow Kamadhenu. Awestruck by its qualities, the king demanded the cow from the Rishi. When he would not part with it, Sahasrarjun snatched the cow and destroyed the ashram. When he came to know about this, Parashurama killed the king, because of which Sahasrarjun's sons killed Jamdagni.
When Parasurama returned to his ashram, he found his mother crying. She explained how her husband had been brutally murdered while he was meditating, and beat her chest 21 times in anguish. Seething with anger, Parasurama promised to rid the earth of the tyrannical Kshatriya Kings 21 times. After completing his vow and thus becoming the king of the world, he donated the earth to Brahmins.
In the Ramayan, Parasurama appears during Sita's Swayamvar, after hearing the earth-shattering noise created when Lord Ram (Vishnu's 7th Avatar - more on that later) break's Lord Shiva's bow. As a boon, Lord Ram asks for Lord Parasurama's agression, thus ridding him of it.
In the Mahabharat, Parasuram is the instructor/mentor of Bhisma, Drona and Karna. He curses Karna to forget all his military knowledge at a crucial point so that the Pandavas win the war and the world is saved.
Now for the science part of all this. We see that this avatar resembles an early man, who is brutal and warrior-like, lives a nomadic life and is barbaric in nature. He has developed from the pygmy sized-human (Vamana) form to a normal human being. Thus, this rightly fits into the evolution process, the chain-link of which is detailed below:
Matsya (fish-aquatic) -> Kurma (tortoise-amphibian) -> Varaaha (boar-mammal) -> Narasimha (half animal - half man) -> Vamana (pygmy-human) -> Parasurama (early man)
The next avatar is that of Lord Ram, the gentle and genial king who is most righteous and works towards the well-being of his subjects.
Ram Avatar - Lord Vishnu's 7th Avatar on planet earth, that of Lord Ram. King Dasrath of Ayodhya was childless, with all 3 of his wives not being blessed. Then he performed a Yagna, through which he obtained a magic potion that, when drunk by his wives, would help them bear children. The eldest of the 4 sons born to him was Ram. The 3rd son, Lakshman, is said to be the incarnation of Lord Vishnu's Seshanag (snake on which he rests in the milky ocean). That is why he is portrayed as a hot-tempered person, ready to give his life for his elder brother.
Lord Ram was a genial person and an obedient son, who displayed qualities of valour in his early days. He won the hand of Sita, the daughter of King Janaka, in a Swayamvar (contest), where he strung the bow of Lord Shiva, and also broke it. It is here when Lord Parasurama, the 6th Avatar of Lord Vishnu, confronts Lord Ram, but is humbled by the Lord's prowess.
When Lord Ram is to be crowned the new King of Ayodhya, Dasratha's 2nd wife, Kaikeyi is misguided by her servant Manthra into thinking that her son, Bharat, will become powerless. So she takes advantage of an old promise by her husband, and orders Lord Ram to be sent to Vanvaas (living in the jungle) for 14 years. Lord Ram does not question her decision, but simply takes the blessing of his parents and starts his journey. Sita and Lakshman insist on accompanying him. Incidentally, 14 years is also the term of a life sentence in modern day India.
One day in the forest, Soorpanakha, sister of Lanka's king Ravana, fell in love with Lord Ram. But her advances were nipped in the bud by Lakshman, who cut her nose. This angered Ravana, who, in the disguise of a a Brahmin beggar, kidnapped Sita. Then, Lord Ram meets Hanuman, who becomes his loyal devotee, and together with the monkey-king Sugriva, launches an attack on Lanka to get back his wife. The above photo shows Lord Ram flanked by Sita and Lakshman, and he is seen blessing Hanuman.
This entire episode, as described in the Ramayan, has been supported by several places found in modern day Sri Lanka. These will be detailed in another post later.
After defeating Ravana and making his younger brother Vibhishana king of Lnaka, Lord Rama returns to Ayodhya to a joyous welcome and is crowned King. He then starts his journey of being an able administrator and a righteous King. Even today, Ramrajya is synonymous with "Golden Rule", and Lord Ram is referred to as "Maryada Purshottam", or Ultimate Righteous Person.
So, from this Avatar of Lord Vishnu, that of Lord Ram, we come across a refined, cultured, simple, upright and righteous human being. He belong sto an era when promises were kept and where justice was meted out to everyone. This follows the crude Avatar of Lord Parasurama, and thus the modern evolution process is justified:
Matsya (fish-aquatic) -> Kurma (tortoise-amphibian) -> Varaaha (boar-mammal) -> Narasimha (half animal - half man) -> Vamana (pygmy-human) -> Parasurama (early man) -> Ram (righteous man)
This Avatar is followed by Lord Krishna, epitome of the modern day strategist and cunning planner. Till next time,