The way towards heaven from our Planet Earth - SATOPANTH


May 1, 2019
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The Skanda Purana - "There are several sacred shrines in heaven, on earth, and in hell; but there is no shrine like Badrinath".
The area around Badrinath was celebrated in Padma Purana as abounding in spiritual treasures.
In Vedic Scriptures, the region of the Himalayas is land of meditation "Uttra-Khand", in which the holly abode of Shri Badrinathji has been, situated in the extreme north of India at the confluence of river Rishi Ganga and River Alaknanda at a height of 3110m above sea level. A great religious importance has been attached to Badrinath Pauri which was once surrounded by wild berries or 'Badri' and so it was named ‘Badrivan

Adventurous, 3 Kms from Badrikashram there is a Village named Mana near Tiber border (Picture attached). We find India's last tea Stall out here
:D, Alaknanda & Saraswati river flows from the here, 5112 years old Vyasjis Gufa is present here where he dictated Vedic Scriptures to Bhagwan Ganesha. Moving ahead from the Village we see Bhima Pool (This was made by Bhima for mata Draupadi, while heading towards heaven, Picture Attached). 5 kms trek from Bhim Pool we reach Vasudhara fall (Picture attached), few kms ahead we reach Lakshmi ban, later Bandhar, later Bimbar, later Chakratirtha (These are the places where mata Draupadi & pandavas except Yudhistar maharja left their mateiral body) Atlast at Satopanth, Total terk of 27/28 kms from Mana village (there are 7 peaks/steps, the last step is the way towards heaven) At Satopanth Tal, the celestial rath/ vehicle received Maharaj Yudhistara.

Interesting fact - Moving ahead from Vasudhara heading towards laxmiban there is a small pond where we can see tiny sparrows, any small thing thrown within this pond the sparrow goes inside & removes it from the pond, would never allow the pond get polluted, later when we move ahead of Bimbar one Dog would be our messenger/path finder to show us the way towards Satophant & after sometime he disappears within the mountains (This Dog is suppose to be the same Dog who reached Heaven with Maharaj Yudhistra according to our scriptures) He helps us find our way & later disappears.

If anybody doubts our Vedic Scripture just let them experience this 27 kms trek of Satophant/Badrinath.

||HaRe KriShnA||