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"When I read the Bhagvad Gita and reflect about how God created this universe, everything else seems so superfluous."
World Famous Scientist Albert Einstein Views on Hinduism
"I go into the Upanishadas to ask questions."
Famous Scientist who developed Bohr's Atomic Model Niels Bohr views on Hinduism
"The apparent multiplication of gods is bewildering at the first glance, but you soon discover that they are the same GOD. There is always one uttermost God who defies personification. This makes Hinduism the most tolerant religion in the world, because its one transcendent God includes all possible gods. In fact Hinduism is so elastic and so subtle that the most profound Methodist, and crudest idolater, are equally at home with it."
Nobel Laureate in Literature - George Bernard Shaw views on Hinduism
"After a study of some forty years and more of the great religions of the world, I find none so perfect , none so scientific, none so philosophical and none so spiritual that the great religion known by the name of Hinduism. Make no mistake, without Hinduism, India has no future. Hinduism is the soil in to which India's roots are stuck and torn out of that she will inevitably wither as a tree torn out from its place. And if Hindus do not maintain Hinduism who shall save it? If India's own children do not cling to her faith who shall guard it. India alone can save India and India and Hinduism are one."
Social Activist Annie Wood Besant on Hinduism
"After gradual research; I have come to the conclusion that long before all heavenly books, God had revealed to the Hindus, through the Rishis of yore, of whom Brahma was the Chief, His four books of knowledge, the Rig Veda, the Yajur Veda, the Sama Veda and the Atharva Veda.The Quran itself made veiled references to the Upanishads as the first heavenly book and the fountainhead of the ocean of monotheism."
Muhammad Dara Shikoh(Son of Shah Jahan, the Mughal emperor who built Taj Mahal) Views on Hinduism
For more views of world famous personalities on Hinduism, please visit http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Hinduism
Views of Mahatma Gandhi about Hinduism
1. I am a Hindu because it is Hinduism which makes the world worth living. I am a Hindu hence I Love not only human beings, but all living beings.
2. Hinduism is a living organism liable to growth and decay subject to the laws of Nature. One and indivisible at the root, it has grown into a vast tree with innumerable branches. The changes in the season affect it. It has its autumn and its summer, its winter and its spring. It is, and is not, based on scriptures. It does not derive its authority from one book. Non violence has found the highest expression and application in Hinduism.
3. I have no other wish in this world but to find light and joy and peace through Hinduism.
4. Hinduism insists on the brotherhood of not only all mankind but of all that lives.
5. On examination, I have found it to be the most tolerant of all religions known to me. Its freedom from dogma makes a forcible appeal to me inasmuch as it gives the votary the largest scope for self-expression.
6. Hindu Dharma is like a boundless ocean teeming with priceless gems. The deeper you dive the more treasures you find.
World Famous Scientist Albert Einstein Views on Hinduism
"I go into the Upanishadas to ask questions."
Famous Scientist who developed Bohr's Atomic Model Niels Bohr views on Hinduism
"The apparent multiplication of gods is bewildering at the first glance, but you soon discover that they are the same GOD. There is always one uttermost God who defies personification. This makes Hinduism the most tolerant religion in the world, because its one transcendent God includes all possible gods. In fact Hinduism is so elastic and so subtle that the most profound Methodist, and crudest idolater, are equally at home with it."
Nobel Laureate in Literature - George Bernard Shaw views on Hinduism
"After a study of some forty years and more of the great religions of the world, I find none so perfect , none so scientific, none so philosophical and none so spiritual that the great religion known by the name of Hinduism. Make no mistake, without Hinduism, India has no future. Hinduism is the soil in to which India's roots are stuck and torn out of that she will inevitably wither as a tree torn out from its place. And if Hindus do not maintain Hinduism who shall save it? If India's own children do not cling to her faith who shall guard it. India alone can save India and India and Hinduism are one."
Social Activist Annie Wood Besant on Hinduism
"After gradual research; I have come to the conclusion that long before all heavenly books, God had revealed to the Hindus, through the Rishis of yore, of whom Brahma was the Chief, His four books of knowledge, the Rig Veda, the Yajur Veda, the Sama Veda and the Atharva Veda.The Quran itself made veiled references to the Upanishads as the first heavenly book and the fountainhead of the ocean of monotheism."
Muhammad Dara Shikoh(Son of Shah Jahan, the Mughal emperor who built Taj Mahal) Views on Hinduism
For more views of world famous personalities on Hinduism, please visit http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Hinduism
Views of Mahatma Gandhi about Hinduism
1. I am a Hindu because it is Hinduism which makes the world worth living. I am a Hindu hence I Love not only human beings, but all living beings.
2. Hinduism is a living organism liable to growth and decay subject to the laws of Nature. One and indivisible at the root, it has grown into a vast tree with innumerable branches. The changes in the season affect it. It has its autumn and its summer, its winter and its spring. It is, and is not, based on scriptures. It does not derive its authority from one book. Non violence has found the highest expression and application in Hinduism.
3. I have no other wish in this world but to find light and joy and peace through Hinduism.
4. Hinduism insists on the brotherhood of not only all mankind but of all that lives.
5. On examination, I have found it to be the most tolerant of all religions known to me. Its freedom from dogma makes a forcible appeal to me inasmuch as it gives the votary the largest scope for self-expression.
6. Hindu Dharma is like a boundless ocean teeming with priceless gems. The deeper you dive the more treasures you find.