The soul's essential nature is pure consciousness. But this essential nature is defiled by vasanas or impurities created by raag-dvesh or cravings and aversions caused by strong ego-centric desires.
When these vasanas are removed by self-discipline, meditation and spiritual practice there is no rebirth and the soul rests in its natural state of pure conciousness charecterised by joy and peace.
There is a book called 'The Autobiography of a Yogi' by Paramahamsa Yogananda which sheds more life on this topic. This book helped me a lot in losing my fear of death or loss.
Indian cricket captain Virat Kohli considered this book as the source of his inspiration, and Apple co-founder Steve Jobs had this book on his ipad, and 500 copies of this book was given at his memorial service after Job's death, as per his instructions.