what does hinduism stand for


Apr 28, 2019
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abortion is one of the greatest sins. in the mahabarata, krishna curses ashwathama (sp?) for killing an unborn child

hindu's dont believe in divorce. they believe a union is for good, but with western culture creeping into india, divorce rates are growing, especially with a more modernistic view about arranged marriages

hindu's do not believe in having more then one wife at a time. if it happened, that was the old ages.


hindu's believe women are equal. in the household, the woman is the sustainer and nurturer, the man is the provider. not to be confused with the whole dowry money arrangement thing which is not religion related. there are no stereotypes. females are revered as much as the males in hinduism lore, with many demigods having female counterparts.

6.cloning humans
ive never read anything talking about this but im sure a hindus views wont be much different to the rest of the sane world. cloning is not ethical. god chooses the wombs in which those souls are ready for birth. for men to manipulate the carrier of the soul is not right, it makes for a corrupted population.

7.research on animals
do you mean experimentation on animals? this is also unethical as hindu's believe all creatures have souls. in the gita it says the wise / liberated man sees with the same eye, a saint, a dog, and a dog eater (man of lower class).

violence is not condoned in hinduism. simply because krishna urged arjuna to war, this isnt to be taken literally, it's more a metaphor for the battle of good against evil. hindu's are taught to perform their duty for the greater good, but it must be with purity of intent and purpose.

9.gay marriage
there is no information as far as i know of homosexuality or homosexual marriages are allowed or not. hinduism is not like christianity in the sense that it tries to control and filter your life. the gita warns us against lust and desire, as well as passion and the associated ignorance that comes from all of the above. if one is in a relationship which is pure and not material, without lust or unconscionable acts of lewdness, then it is okay.

to take ones own life in christianity is seen as a sin. in hinduism we are taught through the gita that each of us has a soul, which contains a small portion of the supreme. the christianity, they believe each soul is a part of the holy spirit also. it is said in the gita that there are 5 conditions that must be met before a person is urged to action. if all 5 conditions are met, then a person will act. i dont know all the conditions but one of them is destiny / fate. if a persons action drives them to suicide, it could possibly be their inevitable fate or karma towards a greater good. in the ancient times, it was acceptable for criminals to be killed for crimes, not as a punishment, but to purge them from collecting bad karma. the soul that is kept imprisoned for a crime is only encouraged to build up more ignorance, and his path upon death would lead him to lower births. there are however many myths in which, mainly females, have taken their own lives to 'save face'.

11.torture by police and military on terrorists
not accepted.

12.hindi as national language
not sure about this one, im sure it's fine! i guess hindi must be closest to sanskrit? which is the oldest language in the world.

dunno bout politics, sorry.

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