Why do Devotees Suffer?


May 1, 2019
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Most of the time a pure devotee would always be in more pain, why?
Health related issues, financially, relationship problems, etc. All such problem would come at once in their life, the closer the person goes to Sri Ram/Krishna/Narayan/Vishnu/Hari, the faster & more the problems a pure devotee needs to suffer, why?

--Param Pujya Rajendraji mahraj says- Honhu raho monhu boyoso, jane luneya; (Thou shall we sow, so shalt we reap)

We need to deserve our karmas in any situation but the devote would suffer his karmas much faster than a normal person because even God is eager to call him back home back to Godhead, God himself wants the devotees karmas get nullify faster & soul gets liberated from the cycle of birth & death, due to which he gives all problems at once to face in a devotes life & along with problems he gives that much amount of strength to overcome such problems. Only because he wants to see that Vaishnava devotee in his spiritual planet faster.

Many people always compares the mercy of God in different deities, Bhagwan Shiva can give me this material happiness & Bhagwan Ganesha can give me that & so on.

Shrimad Bhagwad Gita clearly says- Whatever we get in material life to enjoy is indeed a curse to remain involved within this Dukhalaya Ashwaktam (A place of misery/dukhalay, this place named planet Earth is a place to suffer& not to enjoy, Material happiness are temporary & would bounds us in good/bad karmas)
Scripture gives an example of a Parrot been caged, his care taker wipes the cage often & feeds him but parrot is unhappy, later he is been shifted to a golden cage but still unhappy, later his cage is been shifted to a palace but still is remains unhappy. Same is the life of a human been caged within this material life& those small material happiness are like the Golden cage & palaces. Only by making the parrot free from the cage would make him truly happy & same way a man can be happy when he is been removed from the cage of this material body from this material creation. God designed 84,00,000 types of cages (84,00,000 species in which a soul travels according to Padma Puran), these many cages for a soul to enjoy but even the best cage can’t keep the person happy, only liberation/moksha/mukti fulfils the desire of a soul. A convict in a prison gets shifted to a higher cell with extra security; later from there he gets shifted to a first class cell with Television, Gym, Play ground etc for his entertainment. But he is within the same Prison, we get shifted from a flat to a duplex & from duplex to a Bungalow but still we are convict in the eyes of Yamraja, we all are trapped within this material cage& only by liberating the soul we can get real happiness in life.


--So why do we feel happy when we enter a new relationship or when we get some material things in life?

-- Illusion & Temporary happiness, love might last for few days but would die the day the person dies or we die, material things keeps us happy for few days same like we first used pagers & got bored, later black & white mobile phones & got bored, later tricolour phones & got bored, later multicolour phones & still bored, later tablets, Books, I PHONE" Androids etc but did anybody ever got satisfied? No! Material things let it be the best, it can never satisfy a human being for a longer time. The only reason we run behind these material things or relationships is only because the Souls job is to love & to get attracted, get affectionate but the problem is, soul has forgotten with whom to fall in love, due to which a person falls under an illusion & starts loving material things, relationships which lasts no longer. Soul comes from super soul, Supreme, Parmatma, Sri Hari Vishnu Bhagwan & the soul is in search of that person from whom he has been apart, due to which he try’s & finds him in every material things but gives no satisfaction because those things are material which last no longer, but the day he understand the true relationship with god, from where he comes from. He would be satisfied which would lead him to liberate from the ocean of life & death.

||HaRe KriShnA||