When the mind is strong, external difficulties stay external – they do not shake me inside and rob me of my stability. The mind stays peaceful, free from sorrow and worry. ~ Dadi Janki (Administrative head of Prajapita Brahmakumaris)
No matter what is happening around you, pay attention to making and keeping your inner stability strong. ~ Dadi Janki
What gives this kind of stability? You must have seen a tower – to reach so high, it has a deep foundation. You need to become introverted, to go deep inside, and make yourself so strong that even if the whole world fluctuates, you remain stable.~ Dadi Janki
Make yourself so strong that even if the whole world fluctuates, you remain stable. ~ Sister Jayanti Kripalani, Prajapita Brahmakumaris
The problem is as big as the amount of pain we create. If we are stable, the problem appears to be very small and easy to face. ~ Sister Shivani Verma ( Prajapita Brahmakumaris)
When we face problems with a cool mind, problems become opportunities. ~ Sister Shivani Verma