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  1. J

    Sri Krishna's Life Timeline

    Below is the chart of Sri Krishna's Life Timeline Birth Appearance at midnite of Sravana k8 (July 19/20), year 3228 BC to Devaki taken by Vasudeva from Mathura to Nanda and Yasoda in Gokula Till 3 lived in Gokula killed Putana, Sakatasura, Trinivarta demons 3 - 6 moved to...
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    Religious Life of a Hindu

    For a Hindu everything in life is religion: Family, work, play, walk... you breed religion in India! worshiping in Hinduism usually happens in three different places: At home Inside the temple At a street-side or road-side shrine. At home: Most religious life is at Home: There they have...
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    Relevance of Temples in Hindu Religion and Culture

    Throughout Indian history, temples have exercised an enormous influence on religious and social life, and traditions. Famous Hindu temples such as Somanathpur had enormous wealth and became targets of foreign invasions. The Hindu temple is a place of worship like any other but it has unique...
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    What is karma?

    In Hinduism, the principle of cause and effect that governs the material world is encapsulated in a single word – karma – interlinked to the theory of reincarnation. In the Bhagavad Gita (“Song of God”), Lord Krishna succinctly expounds on the nature of karma to the distraught warrior, Arjuna...
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    Teachings of Hindu dharma

    Dharma is an umbrella term used in Hindu scriptures to define right ways of living. At a societal level, these are less about commandments and more about broad principles that allow human beings to live together in joy and harmony. At an individual level, to live in dharma is a way to break...
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    The two general hindu temple types in india are the __________ and the __________.?

    This is fill in the blanks question as we used to get in our childhood. so please fill in the blanks the two general hindu temple types in india are the __________ and the __________. Thanks
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    Eighth Day of Navratri 2019

    On the eighth day of Navratri, we worship Mata MahaGauri. Mata Parvathi performed severe austerities standing in open in the Himalayas without proper shelter, rest, food or water. As a result Her complexion and body turned dark and rough. When Shri Shiva accepted Her devotion and agreed to marry...
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    I am a Hindu

    I am a Hindu, I am born in a Hindu father and Hindu mother's house, so I am a Hindu by birth. I have no religious proponents or I have no specific scripture but I have hundreds, thousands of religious and philosophical books. You can not compare the Hindu religion with the current 'Dharmmatt' in...
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    Buddha - Introduction to Buddhism

    Buddha means “The Awakened One.” Siddharth Gautama, the founder of Buddhism, was born in the city of Lumbini and brought up in Kapilavastu (current day Nepal, north of India). His birth is placed at around 500 BC. His mother died in childbirth. Upon his birth, a wise man visited his father, King...
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    Zoroaster's Conflict with Indian Gods

    Indians and Iranians shared a common religious past, which led historians to sometimes even term the common ancestral religion as Proto-Indo-Iranian religion. Have we ever understood the implications of this common religious past on the historical studies of the two regions? It is probable that...
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    Three Phases in the History of Hinduism

    History of Hinduism went through three phases. We are currently into the third incarnation of Hinduism. Each phase of hinduism led to some very important developments with respect to the religion, almost completely changing the characteristics and the culture of the religion. The three phases...
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    Places of Origin of Hinduism

    The following are some questions that often tend to engage not just historians, but Hindus themselves. When did Hinduism start? Where did Hinduism start? Hinduism of India is a highly complex religion that was formed by the integration of a large number of cults from across civilizations...
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    The Real Definition of Hinduism

    Here is the first ever correct definition of Hinduism, being written down for the first time after 4200 years. What is Hinduism? Answer: Hinduism is the worship of deities present in or associated with Vedic Samhitas When asked to define what Hinduism is, Hindu scholars tend to tie themselves...
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    Historical Origins of Hinduism

    Origins of Hinduism were laid down by an ancient institution of sages called Saptarshis, who founded Hinduism by integrating a large number of cults. Just as there has been a huge amount of migration in the last two centuries from all over the world to United States and other North American...
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    Origins of Hinduism

    Who founded Hinduism is a question that puzzles not just scholars, but Hindus themselves. Buddhism is based on Buddha’s teachings, while Christianity is based on those of Jesus. Islam was founded by the prophet, while Judaism is largely based on efforts of Abraham and Moses. Zoroastrianism was...
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    Hinduism Founder : Saptarshis are the Founders of Hinduism

    Who Founded Hinduism ? Founder of Hinduism is an institution of sages called Saptarshis. Just as we have Pope for Christianity today, Hinduism, from the beginning, had an institution of seven sages who were the patriarchs of the Vedic religion. They very strictly guarded the Vedic body of...
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    Mother Goddess Worship - Maya and Shakti

    A note here about Mother Goddess worship. Apart from this Purusha/Prakriti theology that we had just discussed, there are two other theologies related to Mother Goddess worship—Shakti and Maya. The God that is visible to us is normally in male form—either as Vishnu or Siva. However, these gods...
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    Brief Story of Mahabharat War

    A wicked person called Kans gets greedy, dethrones his father Ugrasen, and ascends the throne of Mathura (in northern India). He is warned by a divine voice that the eighth child of his sister Devaki, a son, would be his nemesis. He gets angry about this and imprisons his sister and her husband...
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    Brief Story of Ramayan

    An extremely wicked king, Ravan, ruled the city of Lanka (current day Sri Lanka to the south of India). By virtue of severe austerities done in propitiation of Lord Brahma, he and his clan attain several boons from Brahma, by virtue of which he becomes invincible. Devas in heaven tremble at his...
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    Hindu Scriptures - Vedas, Brahmanas, Aranyakas, Upanishads, Tantras, and Puranas

    Four Vedas—Rig Veda, Yajur Veda, Sama Veda, Atharva Veda—considered to be the most sacred scriptures of Hindus, are the basis for these religious beliefs. These Vedas are considered as given to humanity; they were not composed by men. These Vedas are nothing but compendiums of hymns. Three...