Scientific Hinduism


Apr 28, 2019
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The unending battle between religion and science will probably never have an ending it seems. Every argument has its counterpart. Luckily,we will not go into debates today, instead we will provide a few scientific arguments which some may term as facts to support the idea of Hinduism being scientific.

We are going to put forward some regular practices of every Hindu which are generally considered as superstitions by most modern people, and support them with their scientific background and let our readers decide what is what.

Hindu People generally advise not to sleep with head facing in North direction.

It is not a myth or superstition. Scientists have proven that our planet is like a giant magnet while our own body has its own magnetic field. Our body’s magnetic field is due to the ions flowing in our blood. When we sleep with head turned towards North, it might raise our blood pressure causing extra pressure on our heart to pump in and out in that posture. This is due to bringing the symmetry back of our body’s magnetic field and that of the earth when we sleep in North direction. For this increasing blood pressure, iron ion travel to brain in excessive amount which might cause several neurogenic problems.

Hindu Women generally put on bangles
Doctor generally check the wrist for pulse as the life line flows through the nerves there.When one puts a bangle over their wrists, the fiction between the bangle and wrist increases the blood pressure which in turn helps to get rid to sluggishness.

Hindu Houses generally have Tulsi Plant for worshipping
Tulsi plant is considered as sacred in Hindu philosophy.The main scientific fact about it is,we get the message of worshipping plant and protecting them as it provides many medicinal benefits which are boon to human kind.It acts as an antibiotic and increase immunity and body protective strength.It also balances various body systems.Having one such plant in every house will keep the disease away automatically.

Hindu People belief in chanting mantras
The scientific explanation about it is,every word has its own vibration.vibrations when produced in rhythmic way helps in normalizing blood pressure.Deep relaxation with prolonged breathe can be achieved by chanting ‘Om’. Different vibrations keeps away various harmful germs,therefore in the evening Shankh is blown.

Hindu People Generally fast during religious occasion
It has been scientifically proved that our inner system need to clean themselves and enough space must be provided for that. Festive seasons generally associate with change in season and with every season change our body needs enough time to adjust and prepare themselves.A fast can provide our body that required time and also various rituals help to revitalize.It also helps in building self-determination and surviving tough situations.

Hindu People generally greet others with Namaskar
In Namaskar posture,the fingers of both hands touch each other and the tips are together as well.Tips are the pressure points for various organs.Thus alignment of energy before interaction is a vital thing.Added to that,no germs can get transferred due to hand contact.

Hindu People Generally ring bell in temple
The scientific reason behind ringing the bell before entering the temple is,the sound of the bell ringing makes you alert and clears all distraction of mind.Even it has been proved the equality of sound in both ears can activate your seven chakras for spiritual awakening.

Hindu People Worship Idols
The science behind this is, if you want a figure in front of you, your mind can concentrate on that and give rise to a devotional power as in meditation mind diverts here and there in search of any figure.

Reason Behind The Sequence of Meal-

It is generally observed that Hindus start eating their meals with spicy food first and end it with sweets. Most people would say this is the tradition they have been following from childhood and ancestors’ time and has become a habit. But the true fact is when we start our meal with spicy food, our stomach gets activates and start releasing digestive juicy and acids faster in comparison to any other food. It ensures that the food taken gets digestive well and smoothly. Then when you take sweets the secretion of acids come down which is desirable as, if they are released as last might cause health problem. So a proper termination of digestion is achieved by having sweets at the end.

People Consider Peepal Tree as a Sacred Tree-

Most people consider this as a myth as Peepal tree is only known for giving shade in Summer season.But the true fact as you would know is that Peepal is among those few trees which release oxygen even at night while other plants and tress give out carbon di-oxide during night time and take up oxygen from environment. So the importance for Peepal tree is immense for environment and for human beings as well to survive. Such trees definitely call for to be saved and rightly considered sacred.

Why Hindus decorate hands and feet with Henna and Mehendi during special occasions-

Well, most would say it is just for looking good and attractive. True, but the fact is Mehendi and Heena are coolant. They keep the nerves endings at your hands and feet under control in stressful situationsespecially when you are excited about some upcoming occasion and the pressure you have to go through during the whole process of the occasion like marriage, puja at home and so on.

Why Hindus Sit On Floor To Have Their Meal-

Most people find this annoying to site on floor and sit food like Hindus do. The fact is it is the posture that Hindus are after. When you sit on floor, you sit with your legs crossed which is unconsciously a posture for Yoga. Sitting in this posture regularly activates your brain to process the food and prepare your digestive system before starting your meal.

Hindu Girls Put On Toe Ring and Ear Pieces-

Silver ring is put on by mostly married Hindu women on the second finger which contains the nerve ending of a vital nerve which passes through uterus and heart. So putting a ring there, regulates the blood flow in uterus and normalize menstrual cycle. Furthermore, our feet always keep in touch with the earth and silver, being a good conducting metal, passes the energy waves after absorbing it from ground. On the other hand, ear pieces are worn after making pinhole in ear in infant stage which scientifically proven that pinhole made in the ears helps to calm a person down in life, activates brain towards intellect and imaginative power.

Why Do Hindus Touch Feet Of Elders-

It is mostly considered as a gesture to show respect to elderly people to receive their blessings. To some it is also a gesture where you let go of your ego in front of your elders and put yourself as an offering to them. Scientifically, when one touches the fingertips of elderly people with the fingertips of his/her hand, one complete circuit is formed among the nerve endings so that energy is transformed through the points in contact which in other word is blessing.

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