Brahmins Fought for Imam Hussain in the Battle of Karbala

Brahmins Fought for Imam Hussain in the Battle of Karbala

Who are Dutt or Datt ?

They are Mohyal Brahmin clan from Punjab and Haryana. Dutts are the only warrior clan among the Brahmins. Majority of Dutts are Hindus but many follow other religions as well. They are 1 of the 7 clans of Mohyals who are Sarawat the 6 other clans are Bhimwal, Bali, Lau, Vaid, Chhibber and Mohan.
Gotra – Bhardwaj
They are descent from Rishi Bharadwaj, hence they derive their Gotra from his name. Dutts/Datts were classified as Martial Race in the British rule in India.
According to Pune’s hussaini Brahmins Punjabi immigrants, their ancestors fought alongside Imam Hussein in the battle of Karbala (now in modern Iraq).
Their community still observe Muharram with Muslims to remember the sacrifices of their ancestors who fought with Imam Hussein in the Battle of Karbala.As per the Punjabi Brahmin immigrants, since the Karbala battle in 680 AD, this community of around 500-member has taken the prefix of ‘hussaini’, and call themselves the Hussaini Brahmins.

As per the community members of Hussaini Brahmins 1 of their ancestors named Rahab dutt travelled all the way to Arabia to help his friend Imam Hussain. He fought war against Yazid along with his sons, all of his son were killed in the fierce battle of Karbala
The Imam, seeing Rahab dutt’s love for him, conferred upon him the title of Sultan and told him to return to India.
Rahab dutt came back and the community to which he belonged adopted the name, Hussaini Brahmins, signifying his close bond with Imam Hussain and the fact that they were Hindu Brahmins.
The Hussaini Brahmins, also known as Mohiyals came here from distant Punjab centuries ago and settled down to a quiet existence, most of them continuing the warrior tradition of their ancestors and joining the Army.
Colonel Ramsarup Bakshi (retd), a member of this community, told Pune Mirror that there certainly is an “element of surprise” when he introduces himself as a Hussaini Brahmin. “The employees in the factory I run now were taken aback when I told them about my community. ‘Asapan asta ka?’ (Is it so?) They exclaimed.” Bakshi said his community remains proud of its ancestral links to Imam Hussain, and they recall this bond on Ashura with great reverence. “We are a very, very small community in Pune, but this single piece of history is of seminal significance in our lives and binds us together, both Hindus and Muslims.”
Most importantly, Bakshi emphasised, “We symbolise the centuries-old bond shared by Hindus and Muslims in this part of the world.” Noted lawyer-activist Netraprakash Bhog, also a Hussaini Brahmin, said he is proud of his community. “Hussaini Brahmins hold a special place in the history of Islam. Our ancestors fought alongside Imam Hussain for the cause of truth and justice. We still cherish those sacrifices made by our community.”
Pune Mohiyal Samaj president, Jitendra Mohan, said, “Those like us who are Hindu Brahmins continue the martial tradition of our ancestors. Most of us are strongly built, with straight noses and face, and join the Army.”

Battle of Karbala

The battle of Karbala took place on the 10th day of Muharram in 680 AD in Karbala, now located in present day Iraq. On one side were supporters and relatives of Prophet’s grandson Hussain ibn Ali, while on the other side was a military detachment from the forces of Yazid I, the Umayyad Caliph. The Battle of Karbala is commemorated during an annual 10-day period held every Muharram by the Shi’a as well as many Sunnis, culminating on its tenth day, Ashura.

Imam Hussain and Rahib Datt

681 AD, The great battle of karbala (Iraq) was fought over the fate of Islamic Caliphate. The grandson of the Prophet through his daughter Fatima and her husband Imam Ali, came to help people of Kufa who invited him to save them from the oppressor Caliphate. The fierce battle was fought at Karbala where Hussein, his friends and his family members were encircled and left without food and water for days. This battle eventually led to the great schism in Islam between the Sunnis and the Shias.
Rahib Sidh Datt, a Hindu Saraswat Brahmin (a potentate of Datt sect )had close relation with the family of Muhammad & was was a highly respected figure in Arabia. He sacrificed his seven sons in the war of karbala.
o Poroo
o Ram Singh
o Haras Rai
o Rai Pun
o Sahas Rai
o Sher Khan
o Dharoo

Hindu Brahmins Fought for Imam Hussain in the Battle of Karbala

When Ali ibn Abu Talib the son-in-law of Muhammad and 4th Caliph was murdered, later his elder son Hassan was murdered,The younger son of Ali, Hussain came out to stand against Yazid ibn Muawjyah (the new caliph).
The army of Yazid surrounded the force of Hussain consisting of mere They were a part of the entourage of 200 men and women, including 72 members of Hussain’s family (40 on foot and 32 on horseback).In the war where hardly any muslim came to help him Rahib Sidh Datt fought taking side of hussain and sacrificed his 7 sons in the ferocious war’ on the bank of river Euphrates and surrounded by a hostile desert. On the 7th day of Mohurrum, all hell broke out when 30,000 strong army sent by the tyrant Yazid from Mecca and other places, attacked them. 6,000 soldiers guarded the river bank to ensure that not a drop of water reached the Hussain’s thirsty innocents. By sunset of 10th (Ashoor), a Friday, all were dead including his son Ali Akbar (22), his step brother Abbas (32), daughter Skeena (4) and 6 months old infant Ali Asghar who was killed by an arrow while perched in his lap. Imam Hussain himself was slain with thirty three strokes of lances and swords by Shimr, the hatchet man of ignominious Yazid. Hussain was slaughtered in the desert on the 10th day of Muharram (Day of Ashura) along with his band of disciples in a bloody battle.
Rahib datt chased the murderers as they ran with the severed head of Hussein, up to Kufa. He retrieved the holy man’s head, washed it reverentially and then carried it to Damascus. According to legend, he was overtaken by Yazid’s men during his overnight shelter on the way. They demanded Hussain’s head from him: Rahab executed the head of one of his sons and offered to them. They shouted that it was not the Hussain’s head, then he beheaded his second son and they again yelled that it was not his. In this way Rahab executed the heads of his seven sons but did not part with the head of Imam Hussain. Later, after one year, the head was carried to Damascus and he was finally buried in karbala with rest of the body.
The valiant dutts and shia disciples of Imam Hussein did not lay down their arms till they saw the end of Yazid who could rule just for 40 days.
The intrepid Datts rallied round Amir Mukhtar, the chief of the partisans of Imam Hussain, fought with extraordinary heroism and captured and razed the fort of Koofa, seat of Yazid’s governor, Obaidullah, the Butcher. After scoring a resounding victory on the battlefield, they beat the drums and yelled out that they had avenged the innocent blood of Hussain shed at Karbala.
It is also significant to note that even before the Karbala incident, Hazrat Ali had entrusted the public exchequer to the regiment of the valiant Datts, at the time of the Battle of Camels fought near Basra.
The above provides impeccable evidence about the pragmatic role played by the Datt Mohyals in the catastrophe of Karbala.
Later on, when Sunnis let loose an orgy of vendetta on Shias and Datts (the followers of Rahib), who were mostly Hindu Saraswat Brahmins. Rahib was overwhelmed with grief due to the slaughter of his 7 sons, migrated to Afghanistan via Iran and Turkistan.
The datts left Arabia in 728 AD and returned to their motherland to settle at Dina Nagar, District Sialkot (vide Bandobast Report of Gujarat by Mirza Azam Beg page 422 and folk songs) and some drifted to as far as the holy Pushkar in Rajasthan.
Later descendants of Rahib had many clans (Kabilas) in modern day Afghanistan and NWFP. The clans were called Mohdaa. To this day, a group of Brahmins called Hussaini Brahmins claim ancestry from Rihab Sidh Datt and participate in Muharram celebrations in India.
After returning to India the descendants of Rahib Datt received grand welcome by the native Mohyals. They eventually settled near Nankana Sahib in the district of Sheikhupura in present-day Pakistan.
Many direct descendants of Rahib Dutt use last names such as Dutt, Datt, Sharma, Bharadwaj.

Interesting Stories Related to Datts/Mohyals/Dutts

Pir Wahun and Shiv Datt
• Shiv Datt – The chief of the Datts.
• Pir Wahun – a trickster chess player

Pir Wahun was known for his knack of consistently winning the games. According to a bet fixed by him, the loser would either pay the price with his head or embrace Islam. In this way, he converted a large number of Hindus to the Muslim faith until he met his match in Shiv Datt. Shiv Datt challenged the Pir to a game of chess and defeated him three times in a row, thereby claiming the heads of his wife and two sons as per the stakes. However out of sheer generousness, Shiv Datt pardoned their life. When Wahun came to know that one of the ancestors of Shiv Datt had sacrificed his 7 sons for the sake of Muhammad in the battle of Karbala, he took a solemn vow that in the future he would never convert any Hindu by coercion to Islam. It was on this occasion that the Pir echoed the famous words: Wah Datt Sultan, Hindu ka Dharam Musalman ka Iman Adha Hindu Adha Musalman (Hail, O King Datt for Thou are endowed with the Dharma of the Hindu and the Iman of the Muslim Half Hindu, half Muslim).
2nd Story

The story seems less reliable as per this story one of the wives of Imam Hussain, the Persian princess Shahr Banu, was the sister of Chandra Lekha or Mehr Banu, the wife of an Indian king called Chandragupta. When it became clear that Yazid was adamant on killing the Imam, the Imam’s son Ali ibn Hussain rushed off a letter to Chandragupta asking him for help against Yazid. When Chandragupta received the letter, he dispatched a large army to Iraq to assist the Imam. By the time they arrived, however, the Imam had been slain. In the town of Kufa, in present-day Iraq, they met with one Mukhtar Saqaffi, a disciple of the Imam, who arranged for them to stay in a special part of the town, which even today is known by the name of Dair-i-Hindiya or ‘the Indian quarter’.
Some Dutt Brahmins, under the leadership of one Bhurya Dutt, got together with Mukhtar Saqafi to avenge the death of the Imam. They stayed behind in Kufa, while the rest returned to India. Here they built up a community of their own, calling themselves Hussaini Brahmins, keeping alive the memory of their links with the Imam.

3rd Story

According to Jang Nama, written by Ahmed Punjabi, pages 175-176, it was ordained on the Shias to recite the name of Rahab in their daily prayer. At the time to the Karbala, fourteen hundred Hussaini Brahmins lived in Baghdad alone.

4th Story

Interestingly, in the Preface of his famous historical novel, titled Karbala, published in 1924 from Lucknow, Munshi Prem Chand has stated that the Hindus, who fought and sacrificed their lives in the holy war of Karbala, are believed to be the descendants of Ashvathama. This clearly establishes their link with the Datts who consider Ashvathama as an ancestor of their clan.

5th Story

An ancestor of Rahab named Sidh Viyog Datt assumed the title of Sultan and made Arabia (old name Iraq) his home. He was a tough and tenacious fighter. He was also known as Mir Sidhani. He was a worshipper of Brahma. He was the son of the stalwart Sidh Jhoja (Vaj) who was a savant and saint and lived in Arabia (Iraq) around 600 AD.

The lady warrior among Mohyals

Karmu Mai Dattani the lady warrior, shortly before the rule of Maharaja Ranjit Singh (1783–1839), Jai Singh, a saraswat Brahmin, was the head of the Kanhaiya Misl in Amritsar. The Misls were later consolidated by Maharaja Ranjit Singh into the army of the Sikh Kingdom of the Punjab, when he became the Maharja of the province after capturing Lahore in 1799. Jai Singh appointed Mai Karmo as the chief of the Katra branch of the Kanhaiya Misl. The intrepid lady held her court in the open, in a jostling market square in Amritsar which is known by her name till today: Karmo Ki Deod. She was a terror to local ruffians and used to administer justice without any fear or favour. She once took part in a battle wearing the coat of arms. The seal of her high office is believed to be still in the possession of her progeny.


    • yes i am a hussaini Bhramin ;a Mohyal whose ancestors faught for hazrat mohamad shaib& My grand fatherDr. Mangal Singh Datta migrated from lahore to india after 1947 & was Vetnary Doctor by profession in vetnary-Govt. Hospital-[Asst. vetnary sergeon]lahore.Transfered to kaithal-karnal 2months before 15 Aug.1947 via policy of partition & exercising the option of choice of country,he chose India.He passed out his college from vetnary college of layallpur-punjab PAK.

      • And thus you stupid brought Islam in India and many like you are stupid. Have you seen any public fought for Hindus. Do not call hazmat Saher otherwise you are like Digvijay singh who call terrorist Saher. People like you are worth shit,

        • you’re right, its because of the stupid ancestors of this fool that my ancestors were forced to convert to shitty izlam.
          mo mo was a rapist and a paedophile, screw Islam. I have now converted to Hinduism and use the qurand as a toilet paper

          • Comment: Your are a liar and spreader of mischief… looks like you will not find happiness wherever u go.
            May Allah curse the slanderers of his beloved servants

        • At the beginning of the first century AD, India had already evolved as rigid feudal society when wealthy and powerful landlords who had large area of land waged war on with other landlords. India was not merely a country, it was a civilization. Many of these landlords regarded themselves as Kings. Trade and commerce since ancient times, brought people’s from different civilizational zones together. Those relationships were strengthened not because of religion, but by inter-marriages. Names, food, clothing, were adopted from both sides of the civilizational fence.
          Therefore, in wars they also collaborated and made great sacrifices as highlighted in the article.
          Many battles were fought; many so-called Hindu Kings and Hindu Landlords, especially from Northern India offered to join alliance with foreign rulers to wage war on common foe. These Husseini Brahmins might have had a noble intentions to join with the Imam Hussain but many other Hindu Kings had joined with invading forces to plunder India. Ghazni and Babar had Hindu Kings as their Army Generals. They were attacking and destroying a Civilization.
          Therefore, this story of Husseini Brahmin is an isolated one.Islam has other goals than commerce and trade relations. ISLAM HAS AN AGENDA TO CONQUER AND RULE. TODAY, THERE IS NO SOLIDARITY BETWEEN HINDUISM AND ISLAM. ISLAM IS WELL DEFINED IN THE QUR’AN. IF YOU ARE NOT A MUSLIM, YOU ARE A KAFIR.

    • This story is fictiobal. It has been deliberately done to show that even Brahmins liked Muslims. Suckular gang has done immense damage to Indian history. As they show sufis as innocent men,this story too has been used to fool gullible Hindus. No islamic record ever talks about Rahab Dutt. It is only Premchand who first mentioned his name in the 1900s. I am well-versed in history. From my long experience,I confirm that this is a ploy to fool Hindus.
      Authentic Islamic historians like Al-Tabari Nazari have given the list of those who died at Karbala. You can refer to this list. This list has no name of Rahab Dutt. Facts make it clear that Rahab Dutt is fictional. He did not go to Iraq to fight. Hope Hindus do some research on this.

    • This story is fictiobal. It has been deliberately done to show that even Brahmins liked Muslims. Sickular gang has done immense damage to Indian history. As they show sufis as innocent men,this story too has been used to fool gullible Hindus. No islamic record ever talks about Rahab Dutt. It is only Premchand who first mentioned his name in the 1900s. I am well-versed in history. From my long experience,I confirm that this is a ploy to fool Hindus.
      Authentic Islamic historians like Al-Tabari Nazari have given the list of those who died at Karbala. You can refer to this list. This list has no name of Rahab Dutt. Facts make it clear that Rahab Dutt is fictional. He did not go to Iraq to fight. Hope Hindus do some research on this.

  1. Being a shia ……we always come a Cross about the story of rahab in”maqtal namah”…… Its a true story that he fought alongside imam hussain with his 7 sons. Rahab resided in arabia and had no childrens…he heard of prophet mohammed and imam hussain and went to meet them seeking their blessing for children.

    Rahab was then a father of 7 son, he always remembered that imam hussain had blessed him with 7 sons.

    When the battle of karbala was over….the yazid army took the ladies of imam hussain and his companion in captivity and headed towards sham (syria)

    Rahab use to stay on the way towards shaam. One night yazidi army was passing by from his area. It was a night time so the army decided to hault there.

    The commander of the army wanted a safe place where he can keep imam hussain’s slaughtered head so that no other army person takes it and claim to yazid for a price.

    He found a small temple kind of place and called the owner, rahab came and was forced to keep the head in his temple.

    At the midnight rahab was worried about what has been kept in his temple. He couldnt sleep and kept starring at the temple. Suddenly he saw a light (noor) in the temple that added to his cuiosity.
    He went there and bought the head of imam in his house. Looking at the face of imam, rahab confirmed that this is not an ordinary person.

    Rahab started talk to the slaughtered head asking him about his identity and why he have been killed. The slaughtered head of imam replied all the answer and reminded about his aquantaince with rahab.

    Rahab started crying and woke up all his 7 sons to fight for imam, all his son fought for imam but ultimately were martyred. Imam praised rahab for his love for him.Salute to the great man rahab who stood alongside imam hussain.

    • Sad to see Hindus foolishly celebrating their own ‘collateral damage’ (whether real or mythical) in the internecine wars of Islam. After the emotions have cooled down, what exactly is the achievement here for Hindus on the whole? “We sacrifice ourselves for others battles” – is that it? Whatever may have been the reality of the 7th 8th century Arabia, in today’s light this is interesting but hardly of any inspirational value, the way it’s being portrayed here. Sad that Hindus seem to think it is …

  2. Last 2 year back I meet with Hussaini Braman on the day of Ashura in bombay.
    He was a old man and he did the qamazani and he was sitting alone so I start talking to him and he told me they are 5 lakhs Hussain Brahman in India.
    And he is from a village near Amritsar.
    He confirmed this story that Hindu’s faught for Imam Hussain a.s.
    And still they do the muharram in same.manner like we Shia Ashna AshaRI do.

  3. Hussani Brahmins are well known people among shia community.They are being respected highly by Shiaties, further Shiaties low India a lost; as imam Hussain as wanted t migrate India.This shows India used to value humans.


  5. It is a matter of great pride for me to read what has been told to me by grand parents and my ancestors had the honour and privilege of being associated with Imam Hussain saheb. My father in law who served in Ira

  6. It is a matter of great pride for me to read what has been told to me by grand parents and my ancestors had the honour and privilege of being associated with Imam Hussain saheb. My father in law who served in Iraq as part of British Army during the second world war told me that he was given a royal treatment by the people in Karbala when he told them that he was a Dutt and a member of the monyal community. It is a pity that these days all of us are being victims of doctored propaganda and are forgetting our glorious past of pre-partition days when the entire village used to celebrate Eid and Diwali in a truly harmonious way without any provocation of beef, pig or stone pelting at the processions. The clock cannot be reversed but at least we can continue moving ahead in a spirit of co-existence and reconciliation.
    Gulshan Bali

  7. If this is true then why did Muslim invaders slaughtered ir converted countless number of hindus and in fact even today Muslims wherever they are in majority have high degree of hatred towards Hindus. Example of elimination of kashmiri pandits is recent one.

    • Elimination of kashmiri pandits is their cowardness.
      Muslim don’t hate Hindus, they know what going to happen if you will mix anyone with God, so they teach you , rest is on you, how you take it, a suggestion or conversion.

    • This is the reason why they hurt us cause muslims religion and leaders and their holy books are corrupted
      Usman and other sunni muslims were rich business community and they wanted power after prof. mohammed so they corrupted religion to suit them.
      till today saudi has used religion to suit them in power.
      Below is detail story
      Arab/Persians forces have been eyeing Sindh for a longtime to expand their empire as what they were doing in other places too. Arab forces attacking sindh from Rai Sahasi time and also during Chach rule. There were repeated attempt to grab some land of Sindh but while most attacks were repulsed even the few successful attacks the arabs could not retain the captured land for long as they were driven out by Sindhi’s subsequently. So 19 times they tried and each time the Hindus sent them back alive after they surrendered.,
      Khalifa Usman was so upset by the Arab defeats in Sindh during his term that he forbade any more attempts on Sindh, on the ground that “its water is dirty, its soil stony, and its fruit poisonous.”
      It is believed that Later on Hajjaj Bin Yousif sent Mohammed Bin Qasim because Raja Dahir had given promise to protect Prof. Muhammad’s grandson Hussein ibn Ali. Raja Dahir was protecting the Family and refused to return them back which eventually lead to a war between the Mohammed bin Qasim and Raja Dahir.
      During the Battle of Karbala took place on Muharram 10, in the year 61 AH of the Islamic calendar (October 10, 680) in Karbala, situated in present day Iraq.[8] The battle was between a small group of supporters and relatives of Muhammad’s grandson Hussein ibn Ali, and a much larger military detachment from the forces of Yazid , the Umayyad caliph, to whom Hussein had refused to give an oath of allegiance. Hussein and all his supporters were killed. Raja Dahir promised protection and sent Brahmins Fought to protect Imam Hussain in the Battle of Karbala and this has been recorded by the historian Sisir Kumar Mitra, in his book ‘The Vision of India’. page 183.
      This was Raja Dahir’s army. At the time of the war of Karbala (Oct. 680 AD).
      Rahab Sidh Datt, a potentate of Datt sect, was a highly esteemed figure of Arabia due to his close relations with the family of Prophet Mohammed. In the holy war when no Muslim King came to help Prof. Mohammed Grandson Imam Hussain. Rahab fought On his side andd sacrificed his seven sons (named Sahas Rai. Haras Rai, Sher Khan, Rai Pun, Ram Singh, Dharoo and Poroo) in the bloody war.
      Hindus, who fought and sacrificed their lives in the holy war of Karbala, are the descendants of Ashwathama, the Hindu saint.
      The Martyr’s List at Qum verifies this. History records when the third thrust by Yazid’s forces came, the Dutt brothers refused to let them pass. The seven Punjabi swordsmen stood their ground till they were felled by hundreds of horsemen.
      It says that one of the wives of Hazrat Imam Husain, the Persian princess Shahr Banu, was the sister of Chandra Lekha or Mehr Banu, the wife of an Indian king Chandragupta. King chandragupta had sent his army but they reached late by that time Imam Hussein was already killed.
      Rahab Singh Dutt, an upper-caste Hindu belonging to Mohyal community traveled all the way to Iran, along with his sons to join Imam Hussain, the grandson of Prophet Muhammad in the war of Karbala. The famous battle was fought against caliph Yazeed, who had turned corrupt and spread a cruel rule in the region of al-sham (the area which is now demarcated as Iraq, Iran and Syria). Since the grandson of prophet took objection to his unjust methods, Yazeed launched a war against him.
      At the time of the war at Karbala, fought in 681 AD, which led to a schism amongst the Muslim community into Sunnis and Shias, Rahib Sidh Datt was a highly esteemed figure in Arabia due to his close relations with the family of Prophet Mohammed. When Hassan ibn Ali, the grandson of Muhammad was murdered, his younger brother, Hussain, came out to oppose the new Caliph, Yazid ibn Muawiyah. The vastly superior forces of Yazid, at Karbala surrounded his force consisting of seventy two men. Hussain was fatally wounded by Shamer, the commander of Yazid, and died after Shemr cut Hussain’s head off in the desert on the tenth day of Muharram (Today observed as the Day of Ashura. Yazid’s army later left the desert with the severed head of Hussain, up to Kufa. Later, the head was carried to Damascus and finally buried with the rest of the body at Karbala. In the revenge war, Hindu Brahmin Rahib fought on the side of Mukhtar and sacrificed his seven sons in the bloody war.
      In the holy war when no Muslim King came to help Hussain. Rahab fought On his side mld sacrificed his seven sons (named Sahas Rai. Haras Rai, Sher Khan, Rai Pun, Ram Singh, Dharoo and Poroo) in the bloody war.
      Dutt did not die in the battle, but his seven sons who accompanied him lost their lives shortly after the beheading of Imam Hussain. After the battle, he met Hussain’s sister, Zainab and narrated his story.
      A grieving Rahab returned to the land of his ancestors, and after staying in Afghanistan, returned to Lahore.
      On their arrival in India, the descendants of Rihab were received with great hospitality by the native Mohyals. They eventually settled near Nankana Sahib in the district of Sheikhupura in present-day Pakistan. It was here that in the closing decades of the tenth century an interesting incident took place involving a pro-caliphate Pir called Wahun – a trickster chess player, and Shiv Datt – the chief of the Datts. Wahun was known for his knack of invariably winning the games. According to a bet fixed by him, the loser would either pay the price with his head or embrace Islam. In this way, he converted a large number of Hindus to the Muslim faith until he met his match in Shiv Datt. He challenged the Pir to a game of chess and defeated him three times in a row, thereby claiming the heads of his wife and two sons as per the stakes. However out of sheer magnanimity, Shiv Datt pardoned their life. When Wahun came to know that one of the ancestors of Shiv Datt had sacrificed his seven sons for the sake of Muhammad in the battle of Karbala, he took a solemn vow that in the future he would never convert any Hindu by coercion to Islam. It was on this occasion that the Pir echoed the famous words: Wah Datt Sultan, Hindu ka Dharam Musalman ka Iman(Hail, O King Datt for Thou are endowed with the Dharma of the Hindu and the Iman of the Muslim). Many direct descendants of Rahib Dutt use last names such as Dutt, Datt, Sharma, Bharadwaj.
      The Hussaini Brahmins thrived in the regions of Pakistan in the pre-independence era. The community members are identified with surnames such as Mohan, Bali, Chibber, Dutt, Bakshi, Lav, Bimwal and Jhingran. After the partition, they migrated to India and settled in various parts of the nation.
      They are now spread across Sindh in Pakistan, Maharastra, Rajasthan, Kashmir, Delhi and other parts of India,
      Datt or Dutt is a Mohyal Brahmin clan from Jammu, Punjab, and Haryana. Dutt is a warrior clan of Mohyal Brahmins.[1] They are one of the seven clans of the Mohyals who are Saraswat Brahmins. The six other clans are Bali, Bhimwal, Chhibber, Lau, Mohan and Vaid. Most Dutts are Hindus, but like most Mohyals, many follow Sikhism and other religions as well; their gotra is Bharadwaj. Some Datt Brahmins migrated eastward and mingled with Bhumihar Brahmins and became one with them
      The reason for the conquest of Sindh by Ummayyad Imperialism was Raja Dahir’s refusal to return Muhammad Bin Allafi, who had taken asylum under Raja Dahir’s government. He had also given shelter to a well-known follower Imam Hussian, Muhammad Bin Allafi, was given shelter in Sindh from the Ommayya enemies of Ahal-e-Baith.[2]As it was against the social rule of the Sindhis in those days, to return the persons who had placed themselves under their protection from their enemies. Raja Dahir’s tolerance and liberal minded-ness was a well known fact, or account of which people of various religions lived peacefully in Sindh, where Hindus had their temples and Parsis had their fire temples, Buddhists had their pagodas, Muslims had their mosques. The Muslims had settled in Sindh on account of the policy of the Arab rulers. These rulers had difference with the relations of the Prophet, and being intolerant, wanted to kill them. How could this God-fearing ruler return these sheltered people to the cruel and tyrant Arab rulers? It is said that Imam Hussain (Alahisalam), after being harassed by Yazeed and his followers, wanted to come to Sindhi on the invitation of Raja Dahir. But instead of being given permission to go to Sindhi, he was martyred at Karbala. The fact is that the Arab Imperialism started during the days of Umer, who had started conquering other countries. This was the fifteenth invasion of Sindh. How in the days of Waleed Bin Abdul Malik, the Arabs succeeded. It will be proper if I elaborate on the fourteenth invasion of Sindh, since the days of Caliph Umer.
      After some time, Shiv Datt along with a long number of followers left Nankana Sahib and moved to Dipalpur, where they lived in peace and harmony until Mahmud Ghaznavi attacked Dipalpur in 1001 AD and uprooted them from there. The Datts along with other Saraswat Brahmins fought against Ghaznavi’s forces but they were vastly outnumbered. There were 5,000 Brahmins fighting against 85,000 soldiers of Ghaznavi. Many were killed and remaining Brahmins (mostly Datts) migrated to the Shahi kingdom of Raja Anandpal in Lahore. When Anandapala and his successor died, Mahmud Ghaznavi captured Lahore.
      So history is witness the very protectors of grandson of prof. Mohammed grandson were killed by Sunni Ghaznavi muslims. And today our Indian muslims call Ghaznavi as their heroes. Such a sad state of muslims who have no knowledge of history and the history in Pakistan is so distorted that they no nothing from this stories. While the Hindus should be their heroes and protectors they claim they are ancestory of the enemies/arabs. so sad for their ignorance.
      very good link with details
      Chach ruled (c. 610-671)[. Chach expanded the kingdom of Sindh, and his successful efforts to subjugate surrounding monarchies and ethnic groups into an empire covering the entire Indus valley and beyond were recorded in the Chach Nama.
      Upon his deathn 671AD, Chach was succeeded by Chandar; Chandar is stated to have ruled for eight years, whereupon Dahir, Chach’s eldest son, inherited the throne.
      This is also why there are so may poetries written Sindhi about the battle of Karbala.
      The mawali; new non-Arab converts; who were usually allied with Hajjaj’s political opponents and thus were frequently forced to participate in the Jihads on the frontier – such as Kabul, Sindh and Transoxania.[5] Through conquest, the Umayyads intended to protect its maritime interest, while also cutting off refuge for fleeing rebel chieftains as well as Sindhi military support to the Sassanid. As supply lines were cut off from Sindhi Raja Dahirit was difficult for him to fight without food supplies.
      read about Chach Nama was written by Kàzí Ismáíl, who was appointed the first Kází of Alór by Muhammad Kásim after the conquest of the Sindh.
      The Chach Nama is the oldest chronicle of the Arab conquest of Sindh. It was translated into Persian by Muhammad Ali bin Hamid bin Abu Bakr Kufi in 1216 CE[2] from an earlier Arabic text believed to have been written by the Thaqafi family (relatives of Muhammad bin Qasim). It was considered a romance until Mountstuart Elphinstone’s observations of its historical accuracy.
      The Chach Nama describes Raja Dahir as a Pushkarna Brahmin king, son of Chach of Aror, who ascended the throne at the death of his uncle Chandar. Dahir’s sister, Dahar, grew up in Aror with their elder brother Dahar-Sena (who arranged her marriage to King Sohan of Bhatia). She then moved to the capital, Aror, with Dahir before her marriage. However, to avoid a prophecy that her husband would rule a strong kingdom from his capital at Aror, Dahir is reported to have married her; the marriage resulted in severe criticism and a conflict with their brother, Dahar-Sena.[3] This account, based on Chach Nama, may be an attempt by a Muslim to malign Hinduism. Dahar-Sena assembled an army and marched on Dahir, but died of sunstroke while besieging Dahir at Aror. Dahir then subdued the area, consolidating his base of support base by executing his nephew Chach (Dahar-Sena’s son). He married his brother’s widow, who was the sister of Sarhand Lohanah (a chieftain who commanded the allegiance of several Jat tribes).
      Eight years later, Dahir’s kingdom was invaded by Ramal at Kannauj. After initial losses, the enemy advanced on Aror and he allied himself with Alafi, an Arab. Alafi and his warriors (who were exiled from the Umayyad caliph) were recruited; they led Dahir’s armies in repelling the invading forces, remaining as valued members of Dahir’s court. In a later war with the caliphate, however, Alafi served as a military advisor but refused to take an active part in the campaign; as a result, he later obtained a pardon from the caliph.
      By the way chachnama is written by enemy after dahir death
      Until I read the chachnama book I, too, believed that the Arabs invaded Sindh because a ship en route from Serendip (Sri Lanka) to Arabia was plundered by Sindhi pirates and the wailing of the captive Muslim women passengers raised the ire of Hujaj bin Yusuf, the governor of Iraq, causing him to send his cousin MbQ to teach the Sindhis a lesson. but this is not true.
      Dahir certainly possessed some remarkable characteristics. He was exceptionally brave and fearless. Acts of bravery, are found even among his enemies, the Arab invaders. As described by the ancient historians, Raja Dahir is the tragedy of a man who set out to take lessons in being a king. His flaw was his willingness to place his faith in the external factors: stars, destiny, enemies and friends. By the time Dahir learnt his lessons, it was too late for him to live like a king. The only option left before him by then was to die like one.
      chachnama is written by enemy after dahir death
      written by pakistan tribune
      Muhammad Bin Qasim’s age is also disputed. He was the commander of an army of about 6000 Iraqi and Syrian soldiers that was dispatched to Sindh. Do you really believe that Caliph will trust a 16 year old youngster to lead that big army? In the history books, his age was reduced to glorify his achievements but his actual age is believed to be around 34 when he invaded Sindh

    • More about death of mohammed bin qassim and how raja dahir daughters had him killed
      read about Chach Nama was written by Kàzí Ismáíl, who was appointed the first Kází of Alór by Muhammad Kásim after the conquest of the Sindh.
      Chachnama, a Sindhi translation of the original book published by the Sindhi Adabi Board in 2008, speaks of Muhammad bin Qasim’s demise on page 242 to 243. I will try to summarise it for you.
      After Raja Dahar was killed, two of his daughters were made captive, whom Muhammad Bin Qasim sent to the capital Damascus. After a few days, the Caliph of the Muslims called the two young women to his court. The name of the elder daughter of Raja Dahar was Suryadevi, while the younger one’s name was Pirmaldevi.
      Caliph Waleed Bin Abdul Malik fell for Suryadevi’s extraordinary beauty. He ordered for her younger sister to be taken away. The Caliph then began to take liberties with Suryadevi, pulling her to himself.
      It is written that Suryadevi sprang up and said: “May the king live long: I, a humble slave, am not fit for your Majesty’s bedroom, because Muhammad Bin Qasim kept both of us sisters with him for three days, and then sent us to the caliphate. Perhaps your custom is such, but this kind of disgrace should not be permitted by kings.”
      Hearing this, the Caliph’s blood boiled as heat from anger and desire both compounded within him.
      Blinded in the thirst of Suryadevi’s nearness and jealousy of Bin Qasim who had robbed him of the purity he would otherwise have had, the Caliph [sic] immediately sent for pen, ink and paper, and with his own hands wrote an order, directing that, “Muhammad (Bin) Qasim should, wherever he may be, put himself in raw leather and come back to the chief seat of the caliphate.”
      Muhammad Bin Qasim received the Caliph’s orders in the city of Udhapur. He directed his own men to wrap him in raw leather and lock him in a trunk before taking him to Damascus.
      En route to the capital, Muhammad Bin Qasim, conqueror to some, predator to others, breathed his last and his soul departed to meet with the Creator in whose name he claimed to crusade in Sindh.
      When the trunk carrying Muhammad Bin Qasim’s corpse wrapped in raw leather reached the Caliph’s court, the Caliph called upon Dahar’s daughters, asking them to bear witness to the spectacle of obedience of his men for the Caliph.
      One of Dahar’s daughter’s then spoke in return and said: “The fact is that Muhammad Qasim was like a brother or a son to us; he never touched us, your slaves, and our chastity was safe with him. But in as much as he brought ruin on the king of Hind and Sind, desolated the kingdom of our fathers and grandfathers, and degraded us from princely rank to slavery, we have, with the intention of revenge and of bringing ruin and degradation to him in return, misrepresented the matter and spoken a false thing to your majesty against him.”
      The author of the Chachnama then writes that had Muhammad Bin Qasim not lost his senses in the passion of obedience, he could have made the whole journey normally, while wrapping himself in raw leather and locking himself in a trunk only when a part of the journey remained to be covered.
      He could have then proven himself innocent in the Caliph’s court and saved himself from such a fate.

    • Dear ,
      Try to understand, This is matter of HAQ (sachchayi per chalne wali ) & BATIL (burayi per chalane wala),,Hussain a/s and his mate were on HAQ & Yazid and his mate were on BATIL.
      This is not matter of Hindu & Muslim..One who support Mohammad s/a and his family were on HAQ..
      Be remember: One who killed hindus and if they ( hindus )were on HAQ then we should never support such type of muslims..,and one who killed muslims and if they (muslims) were on HAQ then we should never support such type of hindus..

    • It’s not always about the religion so far as it’s about the greed and worldly possessions you can be a Muslim or a Jew or a Hindu and still an arsehole. Take this example a teacher teaches you to do maths using certain formulas but instead you either don’t use them at all or amalgamate.

  8. There seem to be too many holes in this store, 1. Shia and Sunnis, separation (firks) came many decade after the battle of Karballa- in fact, it is the very incident that caused the two division of Islam. #2. None, nobody escaped the battle of Karballa! while Dutt might have had a link with Islam, it is good to note that Brahmans were never warriors, while they might have fought in battles, but were never warriors…while Brahmans that lived in Punjab who could have been the followers of Guru Nanak, only became warrior, when Guru Gobind Rai, the tenth Guru, Made all Sikhs the Singh [lion] and he himself became Guru Gobind Singh. Thus all Sikh the warriors, for very good reasons. I think to consider such a story, one would have to alter a lot of history!

    • issue between shia sunni is that of deciet after profhet mohd dies the rich business man wanted power but actually power should be with prophet family as per quran. so they fight…and so sunni corrupted religious text to suit them and later even came with wahabi and salafi text to suit them. till toiday they rule are not true followers. if they were followers of profet why they killed all future generation of prophet.

      At the time of the war at Karbala, fought in 681 AD, which led to a schism amongst the Muslim community into Sunnis and Shias, Rahib Sidh Datt was a highly esteemed figure in Arabia due to his close relations with the family of Prophet Mohammed. When Hassan ibn Ali, the grandson of Muhammad was murdered, his younger brother, Hussain, came out to oppose the new Caliph, Yazid ibn Muawiyah. The vastly superior forces of Yazid, at Karbala surrounded his force consisting of seventy two men. Hussain was fatally wounded by Shamer, the commander of Yazid, and died after Shemr cut Hussain’s head off in the desert on the tenth day of Muharram (Today observed as the Day of Ashura. Yazid’s army later left the desert with the severed head of Hussain, up to Kufa. Later, the head was carried to Damascus and finally buried with the rest of the body at Karbala. In the revenge war, Rahib fought on the side of Mukhtar and sacrificed his seven sons in the bloody war.

      Datt or Dutt is a Mohyal Brahmin clan from Jammu, Punjab, and Haryana. Dutt is a warrior clan of Mohyal Brahmins.[1] They are one of the seven clans of the Mohyals who are Saraswat Brahmins. The six other clans are Bali, Bhimwal, Chhibber, Lau, Mohan and Vaid. Most Dutts are Hindus, but like most Mohyals, many follow Sikhism and other religions as well; their gotra is Bharadwaj. Some Datt Brahmins migrated eastward and mingled with Bhumihar Brahmins and became one with them.[2]

      records confirm that some Hindus did join Imam Hussain, the grandson of Prophet Mohammad, when he was through a bloody battle against Yezid at Karbala (in Iraq) on October 10, 680 AD.
      The sect, which was later named Hussaini Brahmin, had settled on the banks of river Euphrates. Subsequently, they returned to India and assumed various titles like Datts, Mohiyals, Tyagis and many others.

      Rahab Singh Dutt, an upper-caste Hindu belonging to Mohyal community traveled all the way to Iran, along with his sons to join Imam Hussain, the grandson of Prophet Muhammad in the war of Karbala. The famous battle was fought against caliph Yazeed, who had turned corrupt and spread a cruel rule in the region of al-sham (the area which is now demarcated as Iraq, Iran and Syria). Since the grandson of prophet took objection to his unjust methods, Yazeed launched a war against him.

      In the holy war when no Muslim King came to help Hussain. Rahab fought On his side mld sacrificed his seven sons (named Sahas Rai. Haras Rai, Sher Khan, Rai Pun, Ram Singh, Dharoo and Poroo) in the bloody war.

      Dutt did not die in the battle, but his seven sons who accompanied him lost their lives shortly after the beheading of Imam Hussain. After the battle, he met Hussain’s sister, Zainab and narrated his story.

      “The history of Husaini Brahmans (also known as MOHYAL BRAHMINS) begins with ten Brahmans going to Karbala with the determination to die fighting for Imam Husain. Among them were Rahib Dutt and his seven sons who fought bravely and resolutely.

      A grieving Rahab returned to the land of his ancestors, and after staying in Afghanistan, returned to Lahore.

      On their arrival in India, the descendants of Rihab were received with great hospitality by the native Mohyals. They eventually settled near Nankana Sahib in the district of Sheikhupura in present-day Pakistan. It was here that in the closing decades of the tenth century an interesting incident took place involving a pro-caliphate Pir called Wahun – a trickster chess player, and Shiv Datt – the chief of the Datts. Wahun was known for his knack of invariably winning the games. According to a bet fixed by him, the loser would either pay the price with his head or embrace Islam. In this way, he converted a large number of Hindus to the Muslim faith until he met his match in Shiv Datt. He challenged the Pir to a game of chess and defeated him three times in a row, thereby claiming the heads of his wife and two sons as per the stakes. However out of sheer magnanimity, Shiv Datt pardoned their life. When Wahun came to know that one of the ancestors of Shiv Datt had sacrificed his seven sons for the sake of Muhammad in the battle of Karbala, he took a solemn vow that in the future he would never convert any Hindu by coercion to Islam. It was on this occasion that the Pir echoed the famous words: Wah Datt Sultan, Hindu ka Dharam Musalman ka Iman(Hail, O King Datt for Thou are endowed with the Dharma of the Hindu and the Iman of the Muslim). Many direct descendants of Rahib Dutt use last names such as Dutt, Datt, Sharma, Bharadwaj.

      The Hussaini Brahmins thrived in the regions of Pakistan in the pre-independence era. The community members are identified with surnames such as Mohan, Bali, Chibber, Dutt, Bakshi, Lav, Bimwal and Jhingran. After the partition, they migrated to India and settled in various parts of the nation.

      The Hussaini Brahmins is a community that has an intertwined link with Hinduism and Islam. It is said that their ancestor, Rahab Sidh Datt had fought for Imam Hussain in the battle of Karbala on 10th Muharram in 680 AD, sacrificing seven of his sons. The community that came alive hence, came to be known as Hussaini Brahmins. They are now spread across Sindh in Pakistan, Maharastra, Rajasthan, Kashmir, Delhi and other parts of India, Pakistan and Arabia.

      The community of Hussaini Brahmins bears its lineage to the Mohyal Brahmins. They are primarily a part of the Datt clan of Mohyals. The first reference of their existence can be found in the history of Datts. The General Mohyal Sabha was first established in 1891

      Hindus, who fought and sacrificed their lives in the holy war of Karbala, are the descendants of Ashwathama, the Hindu saint.

      The Martyr’s List at Qum verifies this. History records when the third thrust by Yazid’s forces came, the Dutt brothers refused to let them pass. The seven Punjabi swordsmen stood their ground till they were felled by hundreds of horsemen.

      It says that one of the wives of Hazrat Imam Husain, the Persian princess Shahr Banu, was the sister of Chandra Lekha or Mehr Banu, the wife of an Indian king Chandragupta.

      After some time, Shiv Datt along with a long number of followers left Nankana Sahib and moved to Dipalpur, where they lived in peace and harmony until Mahmud Ghaznavi attacked Dipalpur in 1001 AD and uprooted them from there. The Datts along with other Saraswat Brahmins fought against Ghaznavi’s forces but they were vastly outnumbered. There were 5,000 Brahmins fighting against 85,000 soldiers of Ghaznavi. Many were killed and remaining Brahmins (mostly Datts) migrated to the Shahi kingdom of Raja Anandpal in Lahore. When Anandapala and his successor died, Mahmud Ghaznavi captured Lahore.

      When it became clear that Yazid ibn Muawiya was determined to eliminate Hussain ibn Ali, the son of Hussain (named Ali) rushed off a letter to Chandragupta asking for assistance. The Mauriyan king, allegedly, dispatched a large army to Iraq to assist. By the time they arrived, the Tragedy of Karbala had taken place.

      In Kufa in Iraq a disciple of Hazrat Imam Husain is said to have arranged for them to stay in a special part of the town, which even today is known by the name of Dair-i-Hindiya or ‘the Indian quarter’

      It was from these Brahmins that the Arabs learnt the science of Mathematics, Astrology, Algebra and decimal notation which were first developed in India.

      Since then, so the belief goes, Muslims were instructed never to try to convert the Dutts to Islam.

  9. All sects and cults will have their folklore and write Histories glorifying themselves. But this is not true and you will not an account like this in history of karbala by any other historians even in histories by Non Muslims other than this. If this was true why was it not made known earlier..m

  10. Was always intrigued by this great bond between the Imam Hussain and the valiant Dutt Brahmins who were with the Imam during the most trying conditions which humanity may have ever experienced. This great bond needs to be highligted in this present prevailing time to bring the two great communities together.

  11. Very nice I am also a Brahman and proud to be know about our history and by this I come to know that why we have a major of great shia saint shrine bala shyaad Ji in our village . I respect my shia brothers sentiments respect to hussainii Ji jai hind jai hindutva and shia Muslims brothers

  12. may god bless this hussaini brahmin clan for doing this sacrifice. this event is a teaching for all those people who thinks religion is big and forget about any circumstance we should always be in the side of truth.

  13. There was an article in the Dawn Magazine section some time back with a similar storyline.The story of Rahib or Rahab is very much true and is in all the books of the tragedy of Karbala and I have seen the stone where the slaughtered head of Imam Hussain(as) was kept in Allepo in Syria in a church cum masjid like structure on top of the hill. I was lucky enough to see the miracle of blood oozing out of that stone in April 1994 and have been regularly going before the bloodshed started in Syria. The basic storyline is same but with insignificant changes in narration.This story cannot be ridiculed as baseless unless someone has personal grudge against the Ahle Bait of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.w)

  14. All Mohyal Datts are Hussain i Bhramins too. Confirmed title as reward of -valour of ancestors with Glory’. A martial race of Hindus.Do observe Mohrun in many families to date.Maintain relegious identity of Hindus.AL-Hindia exists in iraq to date.

  15. Read this article, Hindu’s books have story of Karbala and life of Ahlaibait a.s.
    all Muslim respect Hindu, except fake muslim who killed even grand son of Mohammed, its a same community now in the work who killing innocent people including Muslim and hindus, if you see a Muslim against any religion then understand that he belongs to that community, he is not following Islam.

    • Sunil dutt his son sunjay dutt are hussaini Brahmins

      I thought it was very well know surprised so few people know about it

      in india most peple like shias bec they are not into terrorism, and live peacefully, bjp to has shia leaders bec of the same reason I guess

      many muslima think india and Arabia had no links till the invasion of sind

      buts they will be surprised many hindia lived in Arabia as it was a trading centre
      the world first mosque is in cochi in kerala, build by arab traders on land donated by hindu raja
      there were no mosque in Arabia then,

      the trader need a place to pray and hence the mosque in kerala it was in prof moahameds time

  16. This is true because i had been told about it by my father. I was Dutt before marriage and Vaid and Dutt are Mohyal brahmins.its true that we are small in numbers but have very famous names in various fields. Sunil Dutt, Divya Datta, Geeta Bali, wives of Shah Rukh khan and Aamir khan were Chibber and Dutt before marriage, Mohans the industrialists, Gen GD Bakshi ,Rambhaj Dutt of freedom struggle, so many of Mohyals in army and many others.

  17. Very proud Story with full of Historic facts Inspired us to Say Jai Mohyal..Many of us Muslim brother clarifies about the truth and orignality regarding this article, which Many of Mohyal community members doesn’t know. in-fact this story must be published in North India where Lakhs of Mohyals are living presently. Even the oldest Journal of Mohyal’s called Mohyal Mitter didn’t publish article Like this.. Thank you every one who take even a single step to cover this Article…




  19. Around 1973-74 I have read an article written by an Indian who happened to be in Iraq and met to Saddam hussain. saddam Hussain also shared this story with this man who himself belonged to the same clan. The problem with To days muslim is that whole life they have been tought hatred with Hindus therefore if any historical facts changes this belief they call it untrue. they hardly believe that the story being told in Pakistan about hindus even as on date is nothing else but bunch of lies.

    The passing away of the Holy Prophet of Islam in 632AD brought different rulers to the landscape of Islam. However by 680AD, his bloodline and succession was under tremendous threat through the tyranny and new corrupt governance of Yazid allowing little hope for people’s freedom.
    Hussain, the grandson of the Holy Prophet of Islam, could not follow such open tyranny and refused to follow the emerging Yazid governance.
    Travelling from the Holy city of Mecca towards the city of Kufa, Hussain and his caravan of followers were intercepted by the vanguard of Yazid’s army; about 1000 men led by a man called Hurr. Again, Hussain refused to follow Yazid’s governance. The caravan of the Holy Prophet of Islam’s family, only two days away from reaching their supporters in Kufa, were diverted and led towards the desert land of Karbala. They were forced to pitch on dry land with no access to water. With both camps stationed in Karbala, an inevitable standoff ensued. On one side, the legion of 30,000 soldiers commanded by the instructions of Yazid, and on the other side, a 72 man unit including the grandson of the Holy Prophet of Islam with their families and children.
    After a week, a message from Yazid reached Hussain that no one was to leave Karbala unless they swore an oath of allegiance to him and his new government. Hussain would never bow to injustice for he knew if the true message of the Holy Prophet of Islam was to continue for generations after him, social justice was paramount and so, there could never be an allegiance with oppressors of truth.
    On the night before the battle, Hussain gathered his men and told them that they were all free to leave the camp in the middle of the night, under cover of darkness, rather than face certain death if they stayed with him. None of Hussain’s men defected and they all remained with him. Hussain and his followers held a vigil and prayed all night.
    On the morning of battle, Hussain called the soldiers surrounding the caravan to join him for the sake of God and to defend the family of the Holy Prophet. The speech affected Hurr who had stopped Hussain in his initial journey. He abandoned Yazid’s army and joined Hussain with a small band of followers.
    In order to prevent random and indiscriminate showering of arrows on Hussain’s camp that had women and children inside, Hussain’s companions went out to single combat.
    The massacre started. Almost all of Hussain’s companions were killed. One by one outnumbered and brutally killed.
    Hussain was alone, one man against thousands. He took them on, fighting them bravely, and kept fighting, receiving many wounds in the process. Thousands of enemy fighters were surrounding him but none dared to move toward him. A bloodthirsty commander shouted to attack Hussain broke the silence with a dog-like scream.
    He was attacked from behind. His numerous injuries caused him a momentary stay at which point he was hit on the forehead with a stone.
    Cleaning blood from his face, he was hit with an arrow to the heart. Fatigued, thirsty and through further attacks, he fell onto the ground as the women and children looked on. What followed was a merciless killing, yet at no point during the day did he accept the consistent requests made from Yazid’s army to swear an oath of allegiance.
    As for Yazid, well, he never achieved what he and his father had planned to achieve, for within three years he died falling off his horse and only a few decades later, his family rule was crumbled and came to an end.
    The tragedy of Karbala taught humanity a lesson that standing for the truth and fighting unto death is more honorable and valuable than submitting to the wrongful, especially when the survival of social justice and freedom of society is at stake.

  21. LMAO. This is the most bullsh*t story ever to be made.

    Hussain is the gradson of Prophet Muhammad. The same Prophet Muhammad whom the Hindus abuse by calling him a pedophile, murderer, rapist etc., Hussain was very beloved to the Prophet and Hussain believes in the same ideology of Prophet Muhammad

    How did Rahab Dutt even know the family of Prophet Muhammad? There is no any Islamic evidences whatsoever in any of the Islamic history to prove this bullsh*t claim!

    The fact is, 18,000 people of Kufa who pledged allegiance to support Hussain betrayed Hussain upon his arrival. When the people of Kufa, who called themselves as supporters of Hussain, betrayed and abandoned Hussain, how on earth Rahab Dutt came with his children to fight?

  22. Dear Rajesh Hats off to You !!
    You shared such a wonderful piece of information!!!
    Of course whatever shared may not be a Complete piece of true information (depending upon source of information) but thats always there because Historians are also human beings and may be slightly biased. I got some message on WhatsApp grp about such a connection and thus while conforming on Google landed on such useful piece of information. Thanks a lot once again.
    Also thanks to other’s comments which helped me know and confirm more about this Issue

  23. I salute to all Mohyal Hussaini Brahmins, This story is True, every researcher and a keen of history of karbala knows that what happened very after Karbala, Rahab was addressed by the beheaded head of
    Imam e Hussain and told a story of karbala. later he described people what happened to Sayyideen of Karbala. The Stone where he washed the head of Imam is placed intact in sham. it turns red like a blood at aashura night to 10th moharram till night.

  24. As per quran adam was from India, so technically speaking all of the world is children of indian. we are all the children of one man and allah irrespective of religion. And I dont understand why pakistan should glorify mohammed bin qasim who was yazid i.e enemy of prophet. if you see mohammed bin qasim was sent by his uncle to attack sindh , but his uncle yusuf bin hejaj was governor of iraq, islamic history says he as a yazid and enemy of islam. so then why did mohammmed bin qasim attack sindh is it not because Imman hussein family was given shelter by sindh hindu king raja dahir and mohammed bin qasim mission was to kill them / get them back. so technically speaking pakistani are followers of yazid not prophet. muslims who are followers of prophet dont lie they dont kill anyone in the name of religion, descendants of yazid lie, distort and they created wahabi ideology hand and glove with british, americans. The 9 imams of islam are buried in India you can verify this. You can also verify how british helped to form the saudi kingdom.

    • Can you please elaborate a little more about the era of Imam Hussain (a.s) and Raja Dahir i.e; as under:-
      “So then why did mohammmed bin qasim attack sindh is it not because Imman hussein family was given shelter by sindh hindu king raja dahir and mohammed bin qasim mission was to kill them / get them back”?

  25. There are other martial race in brahmin community .This article claims that only mohyals are. This is not true. Every part of this country have martial brahmin race who are collectively known as ayachak brahmins . Like chitpawan brahmins , bhumihar brahmins ,niyogi brahmins , tyagi brahmins etc .

  26. No body was martyred, all were killed, like wild wolves. No body was divine, all were barbarians. Mo’mad was ultra evil. Followers are/were booty sharers.End of booty=end of Islam, just like Christianity died in West.

  27. झूठी जानकारी है पूर्णता। सारा संसार जानता है कि ऐसी किसी बात में कोई सच्चाई नहीं है पता नहीं क्या सोच कर आपने यह कपोल कल्पनाएं लिख दी शायद हिंदू धर्म को वह हिंदू लोगों को बेवकूफ बनाने व उनकी भावनाओं से खेलने के लिए आपने यह शरारत की है लेकिन आप को ध्यान रखना चाहिए आपकी ऐसी कोई भी कोशिश आपको कानूनी परेशानी में डाल सकती है अतएव पोस्ट का पुनर अवलोकन करके उसे सही कर लेना