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    Are sports allowed in Buddhism?

    The Buddhism have nothing against sports and i personally have seen many monks play football in their leisure times.
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    What is a Buddhist not allowed to do?

    Buddhists in general are not allowed to do violence, killing and thefts apart from sexual misconduct and ill-treatment of others, thou many Buddhists in some part of world do eat meat .
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    Are Buddhists Allowed to Dance ?

    There are many forms of Buddhists in some parts monks & nuns in Buddhism are not allowed or should not dance. Buddhists in general do take part in dancing and singing.
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    List Of Famous Vegans And Vegetarians

    Name Occupation Type Natalie Portman Actress vegetarian Natalie Merchant Singer vegetarian Nellie McKay singer vegan Nicky Cole walked to North Pole vegetarian Niels Tijssen dutch actor vegan Nigel Hawthorne Actor vegetarian Ocean singer vegan Orlando Bloom actor vegetarian...
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    Famous Vegetarians Quotes

    "It is a surprisingly close progression from hunting animals to hunting and torturing people.. catching and lynching blacks or smoking out Jews during the Holocaust." -Aviva Cantor "More and more we realize that the vegetarian diet is a good idea." -Dr. Edward Martin "Thousands of animals(now...
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    Siddha Pranali - The Truth of the Self

    A siddha-pranali consists of the guru-pranali, a channel of gurus, in their siddha-forms (manjari-svarupas). One’s own guru, his guru, and the subsequent gurus traced back to the associates of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu form the guru-pranali, or guru-parampara. In due course of time, a guru in the...
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    Karma and Gunas :- How does Karma relate to the Gunas ?

    The false ego, ahankara hides the soul, allowing karma to enslave the soul in the quagmire of the gunas. Karma glues the soul to the gunas. Ahankara places us in the car. Karma steers that car onto either a cow path, a city street or a superhighway. These roads are the gunas. Karma represents...
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    Nostradamus About Hindu India Victory and Hinduism

    Regarding Nostradamus here a few interesting quatrains worth noting: Quatrain 75, Century X Tant attendu ne reviendra jamais Dedans l Europe, en Asie apparoistra Un de la ligue yssu du grand Hermes, Et sur tous roys des orientz croistra. ----- Long awaited he will never return In Europe, he...
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    What are rules to put tilak on body ?

    Before applying tilaka, one should have taken bath and acamana, and be seated on an asana (sanctified seat). I may describe these aspects separately, if you wish. There are different Vaisnava tilaka shapes; use the tilaka design of your own parivara (generally given by the guru at the time of...
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    Hinglaj Mata Mandir

    Hinglaj Mata Mandir is an important Hindu pilgrimage place in Balochistan, Pakistan and Kuldevi of many Kshatriya and other Hindu Communities of India. Hinglaj Mata Mandir is considered the most important Shakti Peeth in the 51 Shakti Peeths. At each of the Peeths, Bhairav mandir (a...
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    Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

    Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj (given name: Maruti) (April 1897 September 8, 1981) worked as a simple bidi seller in Mumbai (known formerly as Bombay) but was considered by many an enlightened being and a master of spirituality. Maharaj was world-renowned and admired for his direct and informal...
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    American/Western Hegemony over Non-Biblical Faiths by Stephanie Ellison

    Namaste to all readers, American hegemony is a topic of contention, especially when you have someone capable of standing up to this process like Rajiv Malhotra and other collaborators, and revealing to the rest of the world just what is really going on. For me, this shines a light on the “on...
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    Why Rajiv Malhotra Matters to White Hindus Like Me by Stephanie Ellison

    Namaste to all readers, My name is Stephanie Ellison. I am a Sanātani (Hindu) and have been for many years at varying levels. I first became exposed to it when I was studying to be a Natural Hygienist (natural health educator) in Austin, Texas in 1994-95. Over the years, I learned more about...
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    Hinduism is indeed one of the fastest growing religion in the world. Not only in Ghana, Australia and United States, Hinduism is spreading in parts of Europe also. According to latest census, Hinduism has seen approximately 20% growth in countries like France, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Georgia...
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    Garlic (Rasun)/Allium sativum and It's cultivation

    All the parts of the garlic are static. The Saḿskrta name for garlic is “rasona”. It has five out of the six tastes (rasas). The six tastes are: tikta – neem (bitter); katu – chilli (hot and spicy); kaśava – plantain (alkaline); lavańa (salty); amala (acidic); and madhu (sweet). Garlic has...
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    Hinduism is the most democratic and all encompassing way of life. English language does not have a word that describes the word DHARMA in its proper sense. The nearest word is duty or the sense of duty. It is described as the Sanatana Dharma or the ETERNAL DHARMA. The beginning was never said...
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    Maharana Pratap (9th May 1540 - 19th Jauary 1597)

    MAHARANA PRATAP was the proudest and most gallant of the chivalrous Hindu Princes. This man was an idealist, proud, stubborn and fiercely loyal to the struggle for dignity, honour and freedom- in an age and land where almost each one of his peers was scrambling hard to get any fame or land...
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    Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj (1627 - 1680)

    Shivaji was amongst the very greatest of warriors, whose life has had a profound effect on history. Shivaji’s life is an emblem of courage, virtue and inspiration for all those who encounter it. Yet many Hindus, particularly in the West, will not have heard of Shivaji (though this is probably...
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    Complaint to Prime minister of Pakistan

    My Dear Prime Minister, Why Sir, for how long Sir, no remorse, no sorry, every day our girls are raped, abducted and forcefully converted. Mr Prime Minister, you say nothing, you do nothing to stop this madness, you might feel proud about your self by inflicting the pain and misery on Hindu...
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    Brihadaranyaka Upanishada

    Introduction - The Brihadaranyaka Upanishada is an integral part of the Vajaseneya Brahmana of the Kaanva branch of the Yajurveda. With respect to the size, this Upanishad is biggest among all the Upanishads hence its name Brihat, and because it is worth reading in the forest (Aranya), it is...