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    Hindu Pantheon - Trinity Gods - Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva

    As per the beliefs of Hinduism, this universe continues in perennial creation and destruction. This universe is first created; it is then maintained for millions or billions of years; it is then destroyed. After a while, it is again created, maintained, and destroyed, and this cycle keeps...
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    Purusha and Prakriti - Manifestations of Brahman

    Brahman is manifest in this creation in primarily two forms—Purusha, the male form, and Prakriti, the female form. For example, take the human body—the soul in the human body is the Purusha component, and the human body itself, made up of mundane elements, is the Prakriti component. Similarly...
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    Brahman - The absolute God of Hinduism

    The Supreme God of Hinduism - also termed Sanatana Dharma, Hindu Dharma, or Hindu Religion - is called Para-Brahman, or simply Brahman. He is eternal, formless, timeless, neither male nor female, and is manifest in every nook and corner of this creation. Many a times, the word “it” is used to...
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    The Fifth Tantra - Accomplishment Of One's Task Using Discriminative Intelligence - Imprudence

    The fifth tantra begins with the following shloka - KUDROSHTAM KUPARIGYATAM KUSHRUTAM KUPARIKSHITAM TANNAREN NA KARTAVYAM NAPITENATRA YAT KRITAM. || Meaning: A man must never make the same mistake as the barber, who tried to accomplish his task without properly looking into its advantages and...
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    The Fourth Tantra -Unwavering Intelligence Even During Emergencies - Loss of Gains

    The Monkey And The Crocodile A person who has patience and an unwavering mind even during an emergency, can easily overcome any crisis as was the case with the monkey. There was a big rose-berry tree at the seashore. It used to be ladden with roseberry fruits throughout the year. On that tree...
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    The Third Tantra - Friendliness Of Former Enemy Cannot Be Trusted

    Third Tantra itself is a story based on differences between friends, which contains different types of short stories like The Crows' King, Rabbit and a Bird and many more. There used to be a very big Banyan tree near the city named Mahilaropya in southern India. On that tree lived Meghavarna -...
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    The Second Tantra - Union with Friends - Gaining Friends

    There was a city named Mahilaropya in southern part of India. There was a large Banyan tree near that city. Innumerable birds fed on its fruits. The hollow of its trunk was filled up with worms and insects. Moreover travelers passing by that tree used to rest in its shade. LAGHUPATNAK - THE...
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    First Tantra - A Story Based on Differences Between Friends - The Loss of Friends

    Once, there was a city named Mahilaropya in southern India. A king Amarshakti ruled that city. He was benevolent, very pious and a great scholar. He had three sons- Bahushakti, Ugrashakti and Anantshakti. All the three princes were very importunate. The king was very anxious about their...
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    The Origin of Panchatantra Stories

    It is heard that there was a city in southern India named Mahilaropya. The name of the king in the city was Amarshakti. He was benevolent, a scholar and a very pious man. He had three sons whose names were Bahusakti, Ugrasakti and Anantshakti. All three of them were absolutely stupid and...
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    Short Story - A Leg In Heaven

    A hermit wished to see Heaven and Hell, and the conditions there. He first went to hell. As he circled the place seeing what was taking place there, he came across a man without one leg. "Who are you, sir?" asked the hermit. "Why have you come here?" "Wise sage" replied the one-legged man "I...
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    How to do a puja?

    There are certain things that stand as the foundation for performance of a puja, such as- 1) Sattvic quality ( feeling) - The greater the predominance of the sattvic feelings, the more effectively can the vehicles serve as an instrument of the higher consciousness. 2) Attunement of mind - The...
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    How to Break Karmic Ties?

    Ex-boyfriends or girlfriends, former partners or employers, negative family members or relatives…sometimes you just want out of any energetic ties between you and the people you dread most or simply want out of your life. But sometimes, these ties are hard to shatter and do not just go away on...
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    Tantric Sex - Sex and The Tantra

    Tantra is an ancient framework where spiritual enlightenment is related expanded orgasm. Tantra pre-dates Hinduism and Buddhism, but still exists in India and Tibet alongside these mainstream religions. In the West, they have hijacked some of the sexual techniques in order to discover sexual...
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    Meaning of Main 7 Chakras and Chakra Balancing

    The chakras are associated with the spiritual body and the meaning of 7 chakras is the 7 energy points located in different parts of a human body. The Sanskrit meaning of chakra is a wheel. This signifies that these chakras are the center of action of the vital force of life which includes...
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    Advantages of Gayatri Mantra - How it Helps to Improve Inner Self

    The Gayatri Mantra is a holy mantra of Hinduism. This mantra has gained immense popularity over the past few years. People from different countries and backgrounds believe in the power of the Gayatri mantra. It is said that this mantra develops spiritual well-being and goodness in the body. The...
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    Natural Cure For Pink Eye - Remedies for Conjunctivitis

    Technically known as conjunctivitis is an eye infection which anybody can suffer from. Pink eye can be categorized as viral infection of eye. It should be noted that Pink eye is nothing more than inflammation of exterior eye part known as conjunctiva. Usually the entire eye turns red in this...
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    Tips To Beat Insomnia

    After a day of hard work, getting a restful night sleep is the birth right of our body. But today, very few people are lucky enough to get a restful night of sleep. A major part of the world population, today, experiences some kind of sleep problems, which prevent them from completing their...
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    9 Sleep Tips for Insomnia

    You must already know what insomnia is. It is a nervous system disorder, to be more specific it is a sleep disorder characterized by an inability to sleep. As many people suffers from Insomnia, here we will discuss solutions which relies on the magic of life and our ability to doing our part...
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    Natural Remedies For Hoarseness

    Who has not ever been hoarse? Whether by drinking very cold beverage, talking too loud, exposed to cold, eating irritating substances, alcohol or smoking, and even causes are susceptible to nerve inflammation of the larynx or pharynx, or even tonsillitis which can create problems with our...
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    3 Ancient Indian Scientists - Names And Their Inventions

    Aryabhata (आर्यभट्ट) is counted among the world's greatest Astronomers. Aryabhata (476-550 CE) was born in Kusumapura or Pataliputra (today's Patna). At that time there were so many countries of the world who did not even know the true meaning of mathematics. At the same time, Aryabhata...