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  1. J

    Top 10 Gemstones That Can Heal You

    How can gemstones actually heal? Along the years, professionals have told people to wear gemstones for healing intentions. For instance, those who suffer from claustrophobia or vertigo are advised to wear moonstones. But how do they work? According to the experts, gemstones have energies and...
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    Diet According To Your Zodiac Sign

    What to eat? We eat what we like, but our bodies also resist what it does not like. But, our selection of our food depends on our personality traits and they in turn are defined by our zodiac signs. So, to make it simpler, we are going discuss about the healthy things that we can eat as per our...
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    Maharishi Valmiki - Summary of Sage Valmiki's Life

    Maharishi Valmiki is the author of the holy epic 'Ramayana,' which consists of nearly 24,000 verses. He is also believed to be the author of Yoga Vasistha, a scripture that explains on a range of philosophical issues. The Valmiki Ramayana is said to be dated variously from the period 500 BC to...
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    Friendship Story - The Friendship Between Karna And Duryodhana

    Was Duryodhana and Karna's friendship genuine or was their friendship being used by Duryodhana for his selfish reasons? Lets read an interesting story which describes the true friendship between Karna and Duryodhana. Once Duryodhana’s wife Bhanumati and his close friend Karna were playing a...
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    Specific Benefits Of Different Donations (dhaana)

    Dhaana or Donation is one of the major tradition in Hinduism which promotes universal welfare . It is a means of maintaining equality in society and also a selfless way to help your brethren. But,there are items that can be donated to the people who are in real need of donation as a remedy the...
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    Lord Murugan Pooja - For Husbands

    Lord Murugan is associated with many ideal qualities like courage,determination, charm, beauty and knowledge. It is believed that Lord Murugan gifts his devotees also with these qualities. These are also characteristics that would seem to be assets for a husband. The following is a simple ritual...
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    Vishnu Mantra - For Family Unity, Peace and Understanding

    Unity in a family is most essential for peace of mind and satisfaction. Any family that has wealth and education will still not have any happiness without the presence of understanding or unity in them. Lord Vishnu is known as the preserver , and this post comprises of a powerful Lord Vishnu...
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    Lord Vishnu Teaches Lord Brahma About Time

    There is a simple story told in folk tales that puts the concept of time into perspective for us. Once there was a conversation between Lord brahma and Sage Narada in the presence of Lord Vishnu. Sage narada asked brahma about the secrets of the universe. While explaining, Lord Brahma started...
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    Lord Krishna's Horses

    Most of you would have seen the picture of lord Krishna as Arjuna’s charioteer. Here are the names of the 5 horses which pulled lord Krishna’s chariot. Kamagha Shybhya Sugreeva Meghapushpa Valahaka It is often interpreted by scholars that the 5 horses represent the five senses. It is said that...
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    Lord Krishna's Siblings

    Most of us know about the story that lead to the birth of Lord Krishna in a jail as the 8th son who was destined to kill King Kamsa. Here we have a look at the names of the 6 children born to mother devaki, who were murdered by kamsa. They are – Keerthimaan, Bhadrasena, Rijju...
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    Diwali/Deepavali - Lord Krishna's 16,000 Wives

    Another commonly believed legend about the origin of Diwali/Deepavali is about the murder of Narakasura. Narakasura was the son of Mother Earth, who terrorized the world with his evil ways. He had captured more than 16,000 women and held them in his palace. Lord Krishna came to the rescue of...
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    Why Lord Hanuman Is Devoted To Lord Rama?

    Whenever the word devotion and devotee are mentioned, the name ‘Hanuman’ is one that comes to the mind of most Hindus. Lord Hanuman’s devotion for Lord Rama is legendary and unparalleled. It is said that the mere mention of Lord Rama’s name is enough to bring Lord Hanuman’s presence. It is also...
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    Power Of Lord Rama's Name

    This is a simple folktale which shows the power of chanting Lord Rama's name. There was an ashram (hermitage) of a saint in the outskirts of a kingdom. The saint had only one disciple and used to practice vedic rituals daily. One day a farmer in the kingdom happened to kill one of his cows by...
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    Lord Shiva's Faces

    According to scriptures in some regions of southern India, Lord Shiva is said to have six faces. There are two beliefs pertaining to the sixth face. One states that the sixth face is beyond comprehension of the human mind and is considered more like a direct representation of Brahman. The other...
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    Gatekeepers and Lord Vishnu's Avatars

    The following is a legend which gives the reason for the birth of some famous asuras (demons) and why they got the good fortune of being killed by Lord Vishnu’s various avatars/incarnations. Once Lord Mahavishnu told his two gatekeepers (dwarapalakas) that he is going to take rest. After a...
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    Lord Shiva Story - Lord Shiva Almost Turns Into Ash

    Lord Shiva's anger is well-known. But, Lord Shiva is also said to be easily pleased by his devotees. Hence Lord Shiva is called both 'Kshipra-kopi' and 'Kshipra-prasadhi',i.e quickly angered and quickly pleased. The following is a folktale which shows Lord Shiva being easily pleased and the...
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    Why Is Astrology Not Accurate ?

    Astrology is a divine science that has a mix of mathematical calculations and a divine instinct from the part of the astrologer. Lord Murugan is often considered as the lord of astrology. There is an interesting folktale which tells why astrology isn't hundred percent accurate. Once Lord Shiva...
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    Runavimochana Nrisimha/Narasimha Stotra - to remove poverty and debts

    This stotra of lord narasimha is very very powerful. people who are in severe debts can chant it everyday to eradicate the debts.This stotra comprises of 9 stanzas, 9 th stanza being the phalasruti(benefits) of the stotra. It says that one who recites this stotra everyday becomes free of debts...
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    Avataras/Incarnations Of Lord Vishnu (Other than the Dasavatara)

    The dasavatara (10) incarnations/avataras of Lord Vishnu commonly known to Hindus are – Matsya (Fish), Koorma (Tortoise), Varaha (Boar), Narasimha/Nrisimha, Vamana, Parasurama, Rama, Krishna, Balarama, Kalki. Vishnu Viswaroopa Here we look at some other mythological personalities who are also...
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    Sloka To Chant While Lighting The Lamp At Home

    The lamp is given great significance in Hinduism. It is a representation of ‘agni’/fire , the universal witness. ‘Agni’ is said to be the only element which purifies other things without getting impure itself, and is hence regarded as a demi-god. The influence that fire has in our life is very...