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  1. J

    Material Exhaustion

    Material life presents itself with two distinct opportunities yet both opportunities result in the same conclusion, namely material exhaustion. If one is on the path of prakriti marg, then everything related to material well being is accepted as beneficial. Through the process of prakriti marg...
  2. J

    Thought and Consciousness

    Thought is commonly categorized as an activity of the mind; however, thought does not originate with the mind. Thought originates with the soul's consciousness. Consciousness in touch with matter yields material thoughts centered around the five knowledge acquiring senses, namely...
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    The Language of Consciousness

    Those who are unfamiliar with the details of the spiritual manifest realms must be content with the non-moving and non-dual substance called Brahman. That is because the pastimes and activities of Goloka and Vaikuntha are kept covered from all except the purely devoted lovers of Krishna and...
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    The Role of Guru in Hinduism

    In Vedic culture, the guru is the teacher of spiritual life. He is the guide and agrees to guide the submissive student. So, the guru must be qualified and the disciple must be qualified. Then there can be a proper transfer of knowledge concerning the Absolute Truth. There is no other means of...
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    Who is God per Hinduism

    The question of who or what is God is an important question that every thinking individual has pondered during his life. Is there a God? What does He look like? What does He want from me? Unfortunately, although we are equipped with an adequate amount of intelligence to manipulate our...
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    What is the Role of a Guru in Hinduism ?

    According to the Vedic scriptures, the guru is the external representative of God on earth. Since the ordinary conditioned soul cannot directly see the transcendental form of the Lord, he cannot understand what the Lord is dictating in his heart. If one is inquisitive about spiritual life, then...
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    Oneness and Difference

    The Supreme Lord Krishna ( Krishna) is the Original Personality of Godhead. He has multitudes of forms, all are original and infallible. He manifests His different forms out of His own sweet desire to enjoy Himself in lila (pastimes). Everyone and everything is connected to Krishna. Although...
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    Pure Consciousness vs. Supreme Consciousness

    There is currently a misunderstanding among seekers of the truth between the definitions and differences between pure consciousness and supreme consciousness. It is quite common for so called modern day spiritual leaders to equate pure consciousness with supreme consciousness. This is an...
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    What is death ?

    For the conditioned soul, death is the greatest enemy of life. It is the destroyer of all plans. It is the cruel separator of loved ones, of lovers, of life itself. Death is unavoidable yet everyone is making plans to live forever. Science is telling us that sometime in the future, the body will...
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    What are the benefits of Ayurveda?

    Ayurveda has developed curative and preventive treatment that focuses on completely eliminating the problem from the body rather than supressing it. One who goes through ayurvedic treatment has to be patient and that has been said it is already one of the benefit which human must need in their...
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    What does Ayurvedic medicine mean?

    Ayurveda is related to finding the root of the disease and after that means to totally eradicate it. Ayurveda also known as Ayurveda medicine. It is a traditional medicine of India where it is originated five thousand years ago. It is considered to be the only natural system of medicine...